"But you can't pass your driver's test," I tsked. "Did you even read that book I gave you?" 

"Go shower with your fiance," she snapped.  

My mum stood, holding her hands out for Fionna. I snuggled her closer, glancing down at Harry, "Harry's still eating... this is my baby."

"It's my grandbaby!" my mother pointed out.

"But Harry and I made her!" I told her with a shrug. In my arms, a strange sound emitted from the tiny baby. 

"Sounds like she's going to need a nappy change," my mother chuckled. "She's your baby. You have fun with that."

"I will help," Harry stood, carrying his bowl to the sink. 

Daisy and Phoebe jumped up to help, but I quickly interrupted, "Hold on there, kiddos! We don't need an audience this time. Fionna will be back in the living room as soon as she's in a fresh nappy." 

"Why don't you give her a small sponge bath as well?" Dr. Shell told us. "Just go in the bathroom, close the door, turn on the shower to get the room nice and warm, and then you can turn off the water and wipe her down gently with a warm flannel. You've got some baby shampoo, right?" 

"Yeah," I nodded slowly, glancing at Harry and patting the now whimpering baby. I adjusted her so that she was cradled in hopes to calm her momentarily. "Is it okay to give her a bath?" 

"Just put like two little drops of soap on the flannel and get it just a bit warmer than lukewarm. Not hot," Dr. Shell explained. "Have everything in there with you all. New nappy, baby wipes, soft towel to dry her with... and then a blanket to snuggle her up with afterwards. If she's anything like Harry, she's gonna hate baths for a bit." 

"Well..." Daisy said slowly. "They are part cat!" 

"I like baths now because I like to be clean..." Harry said slowly. 

"Let's go see what our Fionna thinks of baths..." I told him, and we made our way to Fionna's room. We stopped in the doorway, and I gave a whimpering Fionna to Harry and he cuddled her close, cooing softly to her. 

"Does need a diaper change," he giggled. "You are a smelly baby..." 

I stepped across the air mattress, opening the closet to pick out Fionna a new outfit. I couldn't resist picking out a long sleeved onesie that looked just like footy pajamas. It was covered in tiny kittens, and I let out a squeal that was far from manly. I grabbed a new beanie, still pink but with a tiny white bow, and Fionna's baby shampoo. I tucked them all under my arm before gathering a new nappy, baby lotion, and baby wipes, and then we made our way to the bathroom. We laid out two towels over our squishy bathmat, but Harry sat on the toilet seat with Fionna while we ran the shower to warm up the bathroom. 

"Outfit is cute, my Louis," Harry giggled. "Kittens for our little Kitten!" 

Fionna gave a squeal of distress, having still been whimpering slightly, and I crouched down next to her, "We'll get your nappy changed, Feena..." 

Once the bathroom was cozy, I took Fionna so Harry could slowly lower himself down onto his knees on the floor, and I carefully placed Fionna on the towels and unwrapped her from her blanket. She was still wiggling in frustration, so Harry keened to her gently, "It is okay, my baby, we are going to get you all clean and give you a new nappy." 

I undressed her and removed her dirty nappy, folding it up before tossing it into the bin by the trashcan. She was so tiny, yet she went through so many nappies within a single day. I wiped her tiny bottom well with the baby wipe even though it made her wail louder and we were only going to be wiping her down again with the flannel. I tossed the wipes out and stood to grab the flannel I'd placed on the sink, putting two drops of the baby soap on it before moistening it with warm water. Harry was still speaking softly to her, apologizing for making her upset. 

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Where stories live. Discover now