The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar review

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It. Is TIME!

Oh my goodness! This was a fantastic movie! I just finished watching and wow! I was not disappointed at ALL! My childhood movie was all that! Beautiful just beautiful.

The music, the soundtrack, the animation, the character development, the hyenas!

Plus, if you are a true fan, you will see all the crap-tactic reference!!!!!! So many references.

Trust me, even though this is a Disney Junior show, a true fan AND child from the 90's(like moi) will LOVE this 1 hour movie. I wish it wasn't an 1 hour long. I NEED MORE!!!!!!

Good thing The Lion Guard is having a Tv show coming soon.

Welp, hope ya'll like the review and hope you have seen it. Good thing I have a friend to go to they're house and watch it cause my new house has no cable and Internet.

Thank you and Zuka Zama!!!!

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