Chapter 12

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Laurine's P.O.V

The snow starts to fall as we're leaving for dinner and by the time we come back outside everything is covered in white. I shudder as I pull my jacket tighter around me. As for Ciara, I'm surprised she didn't spontaneously combust with excitement. She's always like a child when it snows. She's probably one of the only people I know who prefers winter to summer.
She's way ahead of us, staring in awe.

Cian throws his jacket around me and pulls me close to his side as we start walking.
I snuggle into his side, burying my cold face in his warmth.
I catch sight of Dayl, snowballs at the ready to my left and Brendan beside him. Dayl raises his index finger to his lips and silently pleads with me to stay quiet. I pull away from Cian and they fire the snow at him.

He bends down, scoops up too much snow and hurls it in their general direction as they laugh.
"Ah I see how it is. Thanks for the warning."
I shrug. "Had to protect myself from the cold you know? They won't let us in to bowling covered in snow." He laughs and puts out his arms for a hug.
"Eww no stop." I laugh as snow falls off his top.
He scoops me up and I kick my legs to free myself. He doesn't let go. Instead he lowers me down towards the snow as I tighten my arms around his neck.
"Ahhh stop." I squeal.

Cian grins. "Fancy making snow angels?"
I squeal again in protest. He stops laughing as I pull myself up closer to him away from the ground.
He presses his lips gently to mine. He pulls away too quickly. He really is a gentleman and let's me back down to the ground gently. I put my hand in his.
"Oooooh Cian's in wuv." Dayl and Brendan say their tone turning very sing song.
I hide my face again but this time in embarrassment.
"Ah here now will you stop scaring her!" Cian laughs.

"What are you doing back there? Cmon!" Ryan shouts and we race to catch up with the rest of them.
Whatever they've been doing, they're all covered in snow.
Ciara is currently on Josh's back with handfuls of snow as he sprints towards Ryan who is running towards us.
"Save me Cian." He laughs as Ciara throws the snow at him and hops down. Ryan takes off his coat and shakes all the snow from it onto Ciara as she slaps him playfully.
I can't help but laugh.
She comes over and clings onto my arm.
She cuddles into me as Cian's hand grips mine tighter and we start to walk again.
Brendan is walking towards us shaking snow from his hair.
Ciara smiles at him and walks away as Brendan takes her place by my side.

"You look cold." He grins handing me his beanie and a pair of too-big gloves.
Cian sighs as he lets go of my hand so I can put them on.
"So how are you at bowling?" He laughs.
"Oh I'm brilliant." I giggle.
Cian grins taking my hand back in his almost at the same time as Brendan throws his arm around me. "I reckon you're brilliant at everything."
I laugh. "Obviously."

We finally reach the bowling alley and try to shake the snow off as we walk in. The atmosphere is electric. There's music playing and people laughing and Christmas lights glistening around us. I smile up at Cian. I love our perfect little group.
This change was possibly the best decision we've ever made I think, as Ciara grins back to me. She definitely agrees.

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