The Wattpad Insider She Got WorldClass

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Worldclass is a writer and a reader on Wattpad. She is known for her romance story It Started With A Bet that will hopefully will rise to the top on What's Hot. Once I read this story I had to talk to WorldClass about her book, inspiration, writing process, and more, her response is down below to these questions.

What inspires you to write?

Usually my inspiration comes in a flash of random insight that suddenly snowballs into something huge. A couple of the stories that I'm coming up with now but am waiting for ISWAB to finish before posting start with a sentence that sticks in my mind and suddenly I have to work around that sentence to create the story behind it. Or maybe it'll be one idea or image and as I explore that further, the story unfolds itself.

I used to inspire myself to write, and because of that I never really finished a story because if I lost interest, I lost interest. But as soon as I started posting online, my readers became what inspired me to write.

When did you find your passion for writing?

I've always had a passion for telling stories, even when I was really small. When my siblings and I shared a room, We would always play simple story games around something like "design your own dream room" with ridiculous magical properties like carpets that changed material, etc. As I got older, my siblings would bother me pretty much every night for some story or another. Around that time was when I started reading insanely and I think that really helped my story-telling ability and fueled my passion for writing. It's not often in life that you have full control over something and can watch something grow and develop without worrying about what other people think.

Do you ever share your work with friends or family? If not Why?

Before, when my stories were completely romance free, I was a lot more comfortable showing my stories to my family. However, once I started posting online and I realized that most people like a healthy dose of romance, I started to deliver and with that came a reluctance to show my parents for fear of what they would think. There are a few family members around my age that I give the URL of my work to, but aside from that I don't share with family much at all.

What do you look for in a Story?

In the beginning with online stories I wasn't very picky, but as time went on I started seeing the same things over and over again plot-wise so now my standards are a bit stricter.

Grammar has always been a huge thing for me, but not quite a clincher. I'm getting extremely tired of the male lead who is devilishly handsome and the main character hates with a passion in the beginning but is physically attracted to despite their utmost attempts not to be. Because even though the actual plot changes drastically each time someone uses it, the stereotype is still present all over Wattpad and it's getting rather tedious. But more importantly, a story must be personal, fun to read, have good grammar, and be reasonably realistic.

I also think that a good second male lead is something that any decent story should have. It's okay to occasionally have the SML be a jerk or a homicidal creep or something, but a lot of times I feel like that's a bit of a cop out and it verges on unrealistic simply because I've seen it far too many times on Wattpad as well and most guys aren't like that.

Do you like to have your characters to have a special talent?

Hmmm...I've never really toyed with that idea before. I'm a little addicted to them each having some sort of lesson simply because I hate looking at one of my stories and saying "What's the point of this? What do people get out of it aside from enjoyment." So I like to think that Haley's story is a bit of an exploration on grief and the importance of mourning as well as independence.

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