Chapter 29

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"You can't be" corey said uneasily whilst sitting down beside me.

"Well it's happening corey and we can't change it - I'm so scared right now, you can walk out any minute and leave me alone with trying to raise a kid" i let out a cry

"Don't you dare think that baby, I'm staying with you and the child, I'm not letting you raise it on your own, I promise to stay with you" corey's voice cracked as he hugged me," what are you going to tell your parents?"

"I don't know but I need to do it now to get it over with" I proceeded to call my parents into my room as me and corey sat there looking like two idiots. When they came in asking what was wrong I sat them down on the bed.

"Look, something has happened which will change me forever"

dad raised his eyebrows," what is it?"

"Well, long story short - I'm..pregnant" letting out another cry, I felt so stupid.

"That's funny sweetie, now tell us what's really wrong?" My mom giggled.

"I swear, I'm really pregnant, here" I said handing them the test.
Their faces completely dropped, my moms face even went three shades whiter.

"I feel sick Alana" dad turned to mom.

"You missy are done with us! Is that what you do now? Just 'sleep' around?!" My mom Started to shout.

"No mom! I've been with corey for nearly two years if you don't count when we broke up!" I tried to defend myself. Corey just sat there, afraid to say anything.

"And then what? Do you think you'll get married and live happily ever after? You do realise once the baby comes - Corey is GONE! All men do the same thing, they can't settle down, all they care about is getting laid!" Dad butted in.

"Look sir, I'm not going to do that, this is my child as well and I want it raised in a healthy relationship and I'll love it the best I can, but I will NOT leave abbie," corey continued. He was now crying as well. The only dry eyed person in here was dad and he's hard to crack. We continued to fight like this for the next 15 minutes. Mom finally gave in.

"Look, obviously me and your dad aren't going to kick you out - even though I feel like doing that right now, we can't. You continue to go to school - it's your last year and you have a couple months left so you get those exams and ace them."

"Don't worry mom, I'm not letting this interfere with my final grades. If anything It will push me harder."

- 6 months later -

I'm finally starting to show. I'm really surprised as to how much corey is into it. Today is the day for the big scan. I'm going to find out if it's a girl or a boy. Corey came and picked me up and we drove to the hospital. When we went in I was seen to right away. I lay up on the bed and the nurse put cold, translucent, jelly like substance on my stomach and placed a little remote thing to it that protected onto the little screen beside me. Corey stood by my side and held on to my hand, tightly for that matter.

"This is the baby's heart beat, isn't it special?" The nurse said with love in her eyes," I love doing this job, it's very satisfying to see the love that goes on in here" she said with a huge smile.

"Here you can see the baby's head, arms and legs" the nurse continued to show us our baby's development.

"Oh! Here we are, the baby is a -" she came to a stop," do you guys want to find out now or want it as a surprise?"

"No, tell us now we can't wait any longer" I laughed

"Okay sweetie, your baby is a little girl!"

"A girl? Oh my god I've always wanted a little girl!" I cried. I looked over to corey and he was blinded by the tears he was shedding.

"I've never felt more in love" he said wiping his tears and bringing my hand up to kiss it.

"We're doing this together" he said not taking his eyes off the screen.

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