Chapter 26

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"And what? Did you just let all these random people in our home?" My mom scowled. Last night after the party wrapped up, the house was literally turned upside down. Our garden furniture was in the pool, lamps were smashed, there was cigarette butts rubbed into the pristine white rug in our living room let alone the vulgar things carved into the coffee table. My face turned red.

"Look, mom I'm really sorry - I didn't think it would blow up like this. I only invited a couple of friends and they invited their friends and they invited their friends - it escalated into something monstrous - I'm really sorry." I said sheepishly.

Before dad could start, corey walked into the kitchen.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting anything- I wanted to know if you knew where my car keys were" corey said turning to me. I completely forgot he stayed the night. "Uh, yeah they're in here," I said leaving the kitchen to pull corey into the living room with me.

"Are you leaving?" I asked digging out Corey's keys.

"Uh yeah, my mom is bound to be worried, hey thanks for last night though" he said with that lop sided grin.

"Yeah, I regret it - I'm in heaps of trouble now" I laughed.

"No I mean us getting back and the little 'I'm going to make it up to you' action" he said running his hand through my hair and placing his finger underneath my chin and pulling me in for a kiss. Then I just remembered that, we did it. I wasn't complaining though because it was good to have it back.

"Hey, call me tonight alright? I wanna make sure you get home okay" I said breaking the kiss.
We walked out to his car and we made plans to see each other at the weekend again.

"Bye beautiful, have fun getting grounded!" He laughed before he drove off.

I continued to head back in to where I found my parents on the phone to the neighbour who lived three doors down.

"Yeah okay, I'm sorry I understand" mom said before hanging up.

"Abbie Holyfield, get in here this minute" she said sternly. I slowly walked in doing the walk of shame.


"That is the fifth neighbour this day that has complained to me and your father about the wildness of last night - even two of them were outraged by some 'fight' that took place? What is this about? The whole freaking neighbourhood is talking about us! I'm embarrassed! Go to your room"

I didn't even try to explain myself, I just ran up to my room. I decided to shower and put on clean clothes as my makeup and hair was still on from last night as I got too wasted to even care. I did the assigned homework for school tomorrow and I felt really productive.

In school everyone was talking about how crazy my party was. I felt happy; even though I got in trouble. It left a good lasting impression on people that didn't even know me a week ago.
I was sitting in math class, starring at the wall as I haven't a clue when it comes to math - I suck so bad. Then there was a knock at the door, "can abbie come to the front office with her school bag" a student said. I grabbed my belongings and headed to the office to see my parents sitting there.

"What's going on?" I asked confusingly.

"Well, you got what you wanted - we're moving back to our old hometown." Mum said smiling.

"What? Are you serious? Why?"

"The neighbours are too stuck up for us. I can't even water my plants in the garden without the neighbours saying something to me"

"Oh and I got my job back - with a higher raise so we can move back to our old house and make it our own!" Dad said excitedly. He loved designing and interior design.

"So we're leaving right now?"

"Right now!" dad said.

"Wait I gotta do something - get me in the car" I said running to Lola and Katie's class. I excused them and I told them I was moving. It was hard to say goodbye after a year. We promised to stay in touch and visit every other weekend.

I ran back to the car and took one last final look at the school I spent the last year at

"Goodbye Cali" I whispered as I stared out the window.

"Nicole and corey will be happy your coming back - your relationship with corey can finally be normal again" mum smiled.


This was a filler and it sucked so bad but yeah I'm in writers block and I'm trying to finish this so yeah:)


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