Chapter 4

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The next day Nicole came by and we talked about Corey's party and what happened. Turns out her and Feldman really hit it off.
"Typical Nicole" I thought to myself.
"Yeah me and corey kind of made out a lot" I said like it was no big deal.
"are you serious with me right now?" Nicole practically screamed in my ear.
"Yeah,it was nothing really just the old drunken kiss" I said even though I knew I was falling for him and I knew that kiss meant everything to me.
"I hate to burst your bubble but he likes what's her face with the huge boobs"
"Yeah I know it doesn't bother me its not like I'm falling for him right?"

Wrong,abbie your so so wrong.

We got a bunch of chocolate and candy and stuck on the breakfast club.

Later that night I got a call from corey. We talked about last night.

"This may sound forward but I can't get our kiss we had out of my head" corey said and he sounded really serious.
"Uh,yeah me too"
"I've been working up the nerve all day but will you let me take you on a date tomorrow,just me and you?"
"yeah of course! Where are you taking me?"
"It's a surprise,I'll pick you up at 6 and we'll see what happens" corey said sounding so hAppy
"Sounds great! I'll see you then!"
"Good,and goodnight"
"Night" I said while I put down the phone again.

I danced Around my room like a lovesick girl - even though I was.
I couldn't wipe this stupid smile off my face.
"Oh shit,what do I wear?!"
I'll pick something out tomorrow,I need to sleep I said to myself Yawning.
It was 5pm and I decided to get ready. I washed my hair and painted my nails. I straightened my hair and when it was straightened it reached the top of my butt. I did my makeup - not too dark.
Pulled on a little dress that went a little above my knees and my denim jacket that I recently bought. I put on a pair of vans and I was ready.
"Shit he's going to be here soon"
I sat around for the next 5 mins waiting for him.
The doorbell eventually rang.
I opened to see corey standing there with a couple of white roses and he looked amazing.
this was so bad I'm sorry lol and it's full of clichés but is corey what abbie thinks he is?!1! It's gonna get crazyyyy

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