Chapter 16- All is Well, Ends Well

Start from the beginning

“I’m sorry” I heard Harry mumbled from beside me, I turned my head to see Harry’s head fall, his curls falling with them as if they were sad too.

“Harry you have nothing to be sorry about okay? She decided to be a child so I treated her like one. Besides I love you, not even she could change that” he looked up at me like a lost child, I gave him a small smile before hearing the ding of the elevator as it reached us. The doors swung open and Harry and I walked in one at a time, safest way with the bags we were carrying.

It took about three trips up and down the elevator to get all my stuff from the car to the flat; I flipped onto the couch in exhaustion. Harry plopped down next to me; a relief sigh left his lips just as he grabbed the remote from the round vintage coffee table, the door bell rung.

“Grr, who was is it?” I said under my breath as I pushed myself off the couch and walked over towards the door.

“It’s Louis, you favourite Carrot King!” he shouted from behind the door, I rolled my eyes and turned back to look at Harry who was doubled over on the couch,

“Do you we have to open it?” I groaned at Harry, who was wiping his face from the tears.

“Yes, just do it and get it over with plus he is my boo bear!” he squealed and jumped off the couch, raced over to the door and swung it open, jumping into Louis’s arm making him drop my bags.

“Hey! My straightener is in there!” I screamed at them as they had the Larry Stylinson moment, I picked my bags up and brought them inside with me. After two minutes of hugging and pretending to make out to make me ‘jealous’ which only turned out to make me ‘puke’.

“So you think you can fit my big, ol’ sister in this small flat of yours?” Louis asked, looking around Harry’s kitchen and lounge room. I gasped and slapped him hard,

“I’m not that big!” I exclaimed as Louis rubbed his arm with a pout on his face.

“Harry can you kiss it better?” he looked at Harry with big, blue puppy dog eyes which only made me roll my eyes and gag; another Larry Stylinson moment.

“Of course boo bear!” Harry said in a girly voice and grabbed Louis’s arm, kissing his shoulder multiple times.

 “Ew! Why don’t you just go out then! Oh wait that’s right, Harry’s mine!” I grabbed Harry as I made the assumption and pulled him into me, wrapping my arms around him protectively.

“Harry, why? I thought you loved me more than you loved her!” Louis said as he fake cried in front of us, face buried in his hands.

“I do love you boo bear but you have to share, right Maddy?” Harry turned to look at me as I smirked at Louis which turned into a gobsmacked expression when I reran what he just said in my head.

“Of course not! You are mine Harry Edward Styles! I have been through a lot to get to this point besides Louis has Lucy!” I squeezed Harry tighter to mine, his face was now buried in my neck and arms had pulled me so my body was touching his completely.

“Fine! I just go over to her house then bye!” he left, slamming the door behind him,

“They are going to have sex” I mumbled into Harry’s hair making him chuckle onto my neck.

“Let’s hope they use protection”

“We are talking about the same Louis Tomlinson right? He is such a kid he probably won’t think, driven by his horniness!” Harry chuckled again, accidently letting his tongue brush against my skin as he opened his mouth to laugh. I shivered in pleasure against his body,

“Sorry, not sorry!” Harry squealed as his lips found my neck and started to suck and lick before I had time to react,

“Harry stop” I moaned, lightly pushing him off me, which didn’t get him far off me at all.

“You don’t really want me to though, do you?” he asked seductively in my ear before brushing it over with his lips, making me shiver in response.

“But-“ before I could tell him we were doing just what I said my immature brother was doing, he found my sweet spot and sucked hard making me moan loudly.

“No buts, just give in Maddy, you know you want me” he said, lightly kissing my lips before trailing down my jawline to my neck then from my neck to my chest, I giggled as made zigzags on my chest with his tongue.

“Never Styles, I won’t give in to your curly charms” I announced, pushing him away and put my hands on my hips with a slight smile on my face for my willpower.

“Yes you will! No one has ever be able to resist” he slowly neared me again, grabbing my hip bone and pulled me into him where he started to nimble on the top of my ear. I closed my eyes, letting the pleasure rush spread through my body like blood.

“No, no, no” I opened my eyes and flailed my arms around, trying to make him let my burning hips bones go but he had a monkey grip on them and I struggled wildly.

“Yes love, give into me” he whispered into my ear, running his fingers lightly up the side of my body; I shivered like crazy, my body screamed just to give in but my head knew better.

“N-never H-harry” I shuttered, his fingers had found the hem of my shirt and gripped it tightly, in lightning fast speed, my shirt was on the other side of the room and I was back in Harry’s tight grip.

“You can’t help it love just don’t ever show this face to anyone else” he growled, lust clear in his tone; he was going to get me one way or another.

“O-okay” I squeaked as he lifted me up by my thighs, I quickly reacting by wrapping my legs tightly around his waist. He smirked, holding onto me by my butt, he carries me to his bedroom, slamming the door shut with his foot.

As soon as he slammed the door, I was smashed onto it, his mouth attached itself to my neck and like a leech, he started to suck my sweet spot. I moaned, arching my back off the door slightly and as I did this, I had time to rip Harry’s shirt off in the process.

“Ooh eager, are we?” Harry chuckled in a low tone mixed with lust and teenager hormones; it kinda turned me on a little. I pushed myself off the wall, clinging onto Harry for dear life, I turned us around and pinned Harry against the wall, putting his hand above his head.

“Who’s in control now?” I whispered into his ear before lightly flicking my tongue, I felt him shiver under me, pushing up against my body.

“You defiantly are my woman” he smiled weakly at me,

“You know I am Harry and I always will be” and on that note, I buried my face into his neck and gave him a very, very noticeable love bite, right under his ear.

“Fuck Maddy, I love you” he groaned as I ran my hands over his toned abs by fingertip.

“I love you too Harry” I replied, my face right in front of his, hands still roaming his muscles. I quickly kissed him and returned to my torture; I am going to love this boy till the end of time, he is my world and no matter what happens in the future, I know we will always be together. No matter how many more times he may break me, I will always come crawling back.

                                         THE END

That’s all Folks!

I’d like to thank the readers, voters and commenters who read my story. I hoped you liked it and if you did, do you want me to make another one? If not, that’s fine too just wondering well thanks guys


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