Chapter 16

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"Learning how to ice skate," Clara reads out, "well that's easy enough compared to your last request." She glared at me before laughing.

"So where to?" I ask.

"Well there aren't many places to ice skate in America when it's this hot, but there is a place I know. Of course it's indoors but does it still count?"

"Does it have an ice rink?"


"Then yes."

"Then let's go," Clara picked her bag up and gathered her stuff together.


I eyed up the ice, people glided across it as if they themselves were swans. Clara finished tying up her laces on the rather battered skates she owned. I had rented skates but they looked kind of new. I pulled on my gloves and twisted my hat slightly so that it didn't cover my eyes.

Clara started babbling to me about what to do, how to ease onto the ice and then where to 'try' to skate but I zoned out as I stared at the ice. I had spent so long avoiding it, for the fear of slipping, falling and landing on my face.

I gripped Clara's hand tightly and let her pull me onto the ice. It's slippery underneath my feet as Clara  drags me across the ice. We stay close to the edge of the rink and go slowly. The temperature is oddly reassuring, it feels like a cold crisp winter day in Scotland and all of a sudden I feel homesick. 

Then I look over at Clara who is gripping my hand to keep me from falling over and is staring at me like I mean the world to her. And just like that I see Clara for who she really is, an amazing mother with a massive heart and thrive to help people. In that split second I like Clara, more than I thought I would.

Clara smiles to me and loosens her grip on my hand. I feel her hand fall away and I want to grab it again to feel as safe as I did when she held me. But Clara hasn't left, she stands, skating right next to me, her arms out to catch me if I fall. I think Clara's the sort of person who never truly lets go, who will be there for you until the end.

I snap back to reality and realise I'm skating on my own, I decide to go faster and I see Clara speed up too. She overtakes me and does a small spin before making her way back to me.

"Your go, try a spin."

I nod enthusiastically, a wild smile etches onto my face. I try to spin just like she did and end up slipping and hitting the ice with a loud whack.

Clara pulls me up and gives me a quick hug, pulling me to the side, "Are you okay?"

I nod numbly, I hurt, the ice is rock solid and I managed to hit my tailbone.

 "Do you want to get of the ice and get a coffee?" Clara asks sympathetically.

"Sure," I nod.

I choose a table and sit down at it, letting Clara order. The table is pushed up against the glass wall, looking out onto the ice rink. It's furthest away from the food and I just want to feel normal for once. Not having to worry about what everyone else is having.

I breathe a sigh of relief and stare out onto the ice. People whizz past and eventually they all merge into one, flowing in a continuous movement around the rink, it's almost peaceful here. Clara comes bustling over with a rather full tray. 

"I got you a coffee and a chocolate chip cookie." Clara beamed. 

Clara pours out her tea into the small cup and takes a bite of her lemon muffin before turning to me, "I know it's not been a long time, but how are you, are you making any progress?"

"I suppose so, I mean eating wise, it's slow progress, but I'm having fun. I'm really starting to enjoy being here. For one thing your pretty cool to hang out with."

"Didn't you do this sort of thing with your Mum?"

I look down at my cookie, "yeah, we used to, but you know she was taken up with Rob so..." I trail off wanting to leave it at that. Clara must have understood as she dropped it.

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