CHAPTER 19 | burden of guilt

Start from the beginning

"Okay Walter," said Bernie as he positioned the chair beside the apparatus. "Let's get started."

Sydney wasn't sure what she should be doing, so she waited on the other side until she was instructed.

A moment later Bernie had lifted Walter from the chair, deposited him on the glide board and swung his feet up onto the kickstand. Bernie then quickly straddled the kickstand and sat down on the small cylinder cushion at the base of it so that Walter's feet were resting between Bernie's thighs.

"Exercise is the only known intervention that has lasting effects on function after a spinal cord injury," Bernie explained to Sydney as he pushed a button and the glide board descended to the bottom, bending Walter's legs in the process.

Sydney nodded in understanding, she had done a bit of research over the past few days on the subject. "It promotes neural recovery and reduces secondary complications," she replied.

"That's right," Bernie nodded as he pushed down on Walter's knees. "Okay buddy, I want you grab on to the handle bars and pull yourself up."

Sydney watched as Walter reached out, grabbed onto the padded handlebars above his head and pulled himself up so that his legs were now straight. He was grinning at Sydney the entire time.

Bernie began to laugh, "Walter, stop showing off. Use your legs the next time."

Walter glanced back at his trainer and frowned. Sydney had to suppress a smile. He looked like a petulant child having been caught out.

Sydney's brows knitted in a frown, something about what Bernie had just said threw her for a moment. "How can he push with his legs?" she asked.

Bernie did two more repetitions with Walter before answering. "Walters's spinal cord was partially severed, so he has some movement. Not much, but enough that we need to build on it. He will never be able to support his own weight. Saying that, we need to keep the circulation moving and build as much muscle tone as possible."

Bernie turned back to face Walter. "That's great buddy, keep it up."

Walter, who had not taken his eyes from Sydney since she had given him the candy, said, "Y-y-you're p-p-p-pre-pretty." His frown at the effort of speaking immediately turning back into a grin once the words were out.

Unsure what to say or how to react to this, Sydney turned to Bernie for help.

Bernie chuckled at her obvious distress, stood up and moved to one side. "Hey, Walter, how about Sydney helps you with your exercises today."

Sydney tensed. Surely not? He wasn't suggesting she take over and help Walter through the repeats. Was he?

However, from the way in which he was showing her how to sit at the base of the TG without falling off, the man was serious. Giving in, she reluctantly threw a leg over the squat stand and positioned herself on the cushion.

Bernie gave her a run down on what she needed to do to help Walter through the training and then stood back to watch her work. At first, she was petrified she would get it wrong. However, with Bernie's encouragement she began to feel more at ease.

She also couldn't help but appreciate Walter's reassurance. Despite his childlike behaviour, he managed to joke about the situation to put her mind at rest. "A-a-al-already br-br-broken. C-c-can't m-m-make it w-w-w-worse," he declared between repetitions.

The rest of the session flew by. With each new exercise within Walter's programme, Sydney learnt a little more about his condition and the various physical exertion required to recondition his muscles. Bernie's expertise was invaluable. And, had she actually been researching for a book she would not have needed to go beyond him.

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