"That's okay," Halia chuckled quietly. "I'm not great with animals."

He hummed thoughtfully but didn't reply, instead gesturing to a seating area arranged around a low table of carved wood. "Have a seat. I'll find you something to wear."

She sank into the chair with a soft exhalation and waited for his return. He walked behind a partition and emerged with a fistful of cloth. Their fingertips brushed as he handed her the garments and she savored the brief contact. She didn't quite ache for it, though if these small moments continued that description wouldn't be far off.

"Thank you." Halia smiled gratefully and stood before promptly dropping the towel.

He had been expecting it and hurriedly turned away. He rubbed his nape and glanced at his bed. His gaze quickly skipped away and he glued his eyes to a spider web dangling from the ceiling. I have to get up there—

When the rustling of fabric settled she piped. "You can turn around now."

Cade had to bite his tongue to keep from grinning. His smallest clothes still swallowed her figure. The pants had been rolled at least four times over to prevent dragging on the floor and the waist... He would have to find her a scrap of leather later. The shirt was bunched and tied at the hem so all the excess material rested on her hips. "I'll get you a better outfit later. I'd like to hear your story now, if that's alright with you?"

She inclined her head in agreement and Cade took the seat opposite of her. His arms stretched along the sides of the chair and he regarded her with kind eyes.

Halia was abruptly struck by the duality of the man as he sat relaxed and languid before her. He was handsome in a harsh, almost feral way. He had a square jaw framed with a day's worth of stubble and slightly thin lips that quirked at the corners. His cheekbones were high and sharp and a broad nose that was almost imperceptibly crooked attested to a previous injury. Emerald, almond shaped eyes were rimmed with thick lashes and severe dark brows slashed above them. His hair was black or dark brown, she couldn't be sure in the dim light, and was tousled across his brow in a jaunty style.

Aside from his looks, he was massive in stature. Halia stood at about 5'9 and while that wasn't short by most measures, he completely overwhelmed her in height. She was used to being around tall males yet they paled in comparison to him. He was also generously built, if the padding of his clothes hadn't deceived her. Her eyes traced the corded muscles of his neck and she noticed twin puncture marks along the curve of his throat, just below his jaw. Bites?

Cade watched her perusal of his person in amusement. She wasn't being very discreet and he had no plans to stop her. It also afforded him the same advantage of memorizing her features. He was always one to give credit where credit was due, and she certainly was a beautiful woman. The gauntness of her cheeks and body didn't lessen the vibrancy of her wide eyes. They were light brown, flecked with amber and curled lashes richly adorned them. Finely arched brows accentuated the softness of her gaze and a narrow white scar stretched from her right temple to the top of one cheekbone. Her lips were full and there was a dusting of freckles on her nose and cheeks. Her hair still dripped from the bath and hung down to her shoulders, the black curls loose under the weight of water.

Halia suddenly coughed and he dragged his lingering gaze from the appealing flush that spread across her dark skin.

"Like I said earlier, I was banished." She began in a soft voice, turning away from his sympathetic eyes. "I don't know how long it's been. What is the date?"

He supplied the answer and she sighed. "So it's been about three months. It was difficult to keep track of time as a wolf."

"Why were you banished?" Cade could tell it was a sore topic by the way she flinched but he needed to know.

"I killed a beta. It was an accident but..." Saying it aloud further solidified the act and she frowned as the scene replayed itself. She didn't think Cade needed to know the details so she left it at that.

He noticed how she failed to elaborate and chose not to push her. She had her reasons. "Why didn't they kill you?"

"Death is merciful. They wanted me to suffer."

His jaw clenched at the resignation in her voice and a flare of heat licked at his chest. It was clear that the pack had succeeded in tormenting her. How cruel.

"I'm sorry for what they did to you." His arm unfurled from the chair and he offered her an open palm. She instantly placed her hand in his and he gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You didn't deserve any of it."

Halia blinked up at him with tear filled eyes and swallowed the thick lump in her throat. None of her kin had believed her story or defended her when she was accused. She'd had no one to rely on or confide in and the last person she expected to fill that role was a vampire.

"No one believed me when I said it was an accident."

His thumb brushed lightly over her knuckles and he murmured, "I believe you."

Hot tears spilled over her cheeks and she sobbed, the bottled emotions of the past months finally overflowing. Without thinking she lunged over the table and latched onto him. Her arms curled around his neck as she cried, her lungs aching in release. He let her cling to him and patted her shoulders soothingly. If she needed comfort he would give it to her. He understood how it felt to be abandoned and shunned.

She fell asleep in his arms as her cries subsided to small hiccups. He cradled her gently and brought her to the bed. Onna emerged from between the blankets and harrumphed in displeasure when she was forced to make room for Halia. He covered her with a thick pelt and swept a tendril of hair from her brow. His breath left him in a sigh while he regarded her.

It was a harsh world they lived in. He knew that much by now. His own clan had tried for years to beat that statement into him. They would be pleased to know that he finally grasped the concept. His fingers brushed over her cheek in a whispered touch and he turned from the sleeping woman.

Cade didn't want to leave but there were other matters he couldn't ignore. He placed a protective barrier at the entrance of his quarters and cast a lingering glance over his shoulder before walking away.

Blood Mountain (BWWM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon