Captivation Part 53

Start from the beginning

Jared stepped past the door to the room and grinned broadly. "You were out for the count. I did try to wake you." He came further in and was tempted to crawl back into bed with her. She looked so damn enticing. How many women had he slept with and he'd never had this sense of utter contentment and delight at just the sight of them? With Caitlin his heart raced the moment he saw her, but it was more than that. It was as if his heart answered a call in response to one made by her heart. "It was either dump you on your dad's doorstep after we, you know, or leave you to sleep over here."

"Thanks." She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and stifled another yawn. She hoped she did not look a mess. But what was the protocol? Were you supposed to dash out of bed and make yourself look perfect before the love of your life saw you? That wasn't practical, not given they planned on waking up together for the rest of their lives. Then Caitlin dismissed her worry. He was grinning at her. That was a good sign. She felt pleasantly lethargic and utterly pleased with herself. She thought she had more than held her own last night. Though she had come more often than him. Because he appeared determined to make last night all about her. All for her. He couldn't have been more attentive, more loving, more considerate.

Jared shrugged and still smiling at her he came forward, "You know you really don't react in a predictable way." He shook his head. He was expecting a night after the first time conversation. But she hadn't even mentioned that. "Would you like some breakfast?"

"Do I have to make it?" Caitlin asked. She doubted she had the energy to move let alone cook. She felt lethargic. A pleasant lethargy. And she felt relaxed. All because he made her feel good.

Jared laughed, "No, I'll treat you."

"Great." Caitlin yawned and dragged the duvet up to her shoulders. "I should get up. Your bed is bliss." He grinned as he watched her attempt to cover up and get out of bed! Caitlin tugged the duvet around as she wriggled off the bed. She grabbed a fistful of the duvet. Caitlin shuffled to her feet, "Could I grab a shower before breakfast?" Jared remained where he was, and just watched her antics. Caitlin looked at the state of the bedding. It was a bit of a mess. Caitlin frowned. What did women do in situations like this? Looking at Jared she asked, "And if you have a shirt I could use, that would be great. I'll get it laundered and returned." She was pleased that she sounded sophisticated. Jared's lips twitched as he banked a smile. She was so adorable.

Her eyes tracked the room. She saw her knickers on the floor. No sign of her dress or bra. Caitlin wondered whether it was acceptable to grab her knickers off the floor, but given how precariously the duvet was wrapped around her, she'd probably topple over if she tried to pick it up right now!

Jared banked the laugh. She was trying so hard to appear casual, as if what had happened last night was run of the mill for her. He knew better. Knew from their first time last night that this was her first time. Jared opened a drawer, retrieved a folded blue cotton shirt and walked over to her. He handed the shirt to her, and watched with a smothered smile as she tried to hold onto the duvet with one hand and take the shirt with another.

Earlier he'd draped her dress on the back of a chair. She clearly hadn't spotted her dress. But he doubted she'd want to sit down to breakfast wearing last night's clothes.

Caitlin smiled. "Thanks." She grabbed the duvet edges tighter and rolled her eyes at Jared when she saw his lips twitch at the corners as he watched her actions.

"Your dress is over there." Jared pointed to the chair. He'd collected her bra from the hallway, where they'd left it last night! He was thinking about keeping it! So it was currently in the desk drawer in his study! "I'll get breakfast" He told her. Caitlin smiled. Jared smiled just before he leaned forward, grabbed hold of the duvet and tugged her closer for a quick kiss. She teetered forward, and landed against him. His lips found hers for a quick searing kiss. A few seconds later he murmured against her lips, "Right! Breakfast. Unless you want to go back to bed!"

Caitlin attempted to stand on her own two feet and find her balance, given she was wrapped in a duvet and probably looked like she was a giant caterpillar. "I should head home." She knew from an earlier glance at her watch that it was late morning.

"Right then, come through when you are ready." He set her back on her feet. When she was steady, he grinned. Then he walked toward the door, he stopped at the door, "And Caitlin," She looked at him with a question in her eyes. "Thanks for last night." He said softly.

Caitlin beamed. "I should be thanking you!" She said quietly and waddled forward, like a duvet caterpillar. When she got closer she said, "I mean I know having sex isn't like in the movies."

"The movies?" Jared frowned by that random comparison.

"Yes," Caitlin licked her lips. She wished she hadn't started this conversation for it just signaled her lack of experience, "In mainstream films it isn't messy and in porn there's no heart!"

Jared laughed and hauled her close. He loved this woman. Her directness. Her honesty. Her. "It wasn't sex! It was making love!" He corrected. "And when have you watched porn?"

"Everyone watches some form of porn at some stage!" She mumbled. "What I am trying to say is that mainstream movies make making love look so effortless and it's not messy in movies!"

"Messy. Effortless?" Jared chuckled and with her concentrating on telling him about movie sex she did not realise Jared was gently easing the duvet off. "Should I be offended?" He teased.

"No. You were perfect!" Caitlin was oblivious to the fact the duvet was now not wrapped around her as tightly as she assumed.

"Perfect." He felt a wave of warmth suffuse him. It wasn't as if he hadn't been complimented in his past, but this was so much more.

Caitlin nodded. "It's just that mainstream movies make it pristine and porn is so focused on the act that there's no heart, no real sentiment in the sex portrayed." She told him.

"You're really analysed this, haven't you?"

"All I'm saying is porn has no heart, and mainstream is so stylized! Neither is real or even close to how it really is. I thought I was going to ignite!" She said. "At one point I really thought I was going to go up in smoke, that was after it felt like every cell was exploding with heat and fireworks and..."

Jared chuckled as he interupted. "You are doing my ego the world of good."

"And all because there was heart, and love and you!"

"Heart." He murmured, "And love." He nodded and it was then that Caitlin realized that he'd loosened the duvet she had wrapped around her sarong fashion and she was now practically topless! She smacked his hands away and laughed up at him.

"You are so crafty!" She grabbed hold of the duvet edges and hauled the duvet up again. "I didn't even notice you'd loosened and lowered this!" She attempted to edge back, caught her heel in the bottom edge of the duvet and teetered backwards.

Most of the women in his life might well have attempted to stage toppling over just so that he would grab hold of them. With Caitlin it was genuine. Jared grabbed hold, wrapping her in his arms and bringing her close. "Crafty?" He leaned forward to kiss her.

Caitlin giggled as his lips touched hers. Then she inched back, "Jared!" She warned. "Have you seen the time? I've got to go home." She murmured against his lips just before they claimed hers in another kiss.

Several long seconds later Jared lifted his head, Caitlin's eyelashes fluttered and then her eyes opened. Jared looked straight into her eyes, "Can't wait for us to be married. Then when you wake up in my bed you will be home."

She smiled. "Can't wait." She reached up on tiptoe and kissed him. Then once again she eased back. "We are babysitting from noon remember." She reminded as she attempted to waddle backwards, this time lifting the duvet so that she did not trip. "So breakfast. Please!"

Jared nodded and headed out. Then he frowned. Babysitting?

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