Bean Boozled

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And here we have Chapter 8, which is ironic, cause I just posted Chapter 7 like three hours ago. But my writing spirit is restless today, so I won't complain!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. It belongs to Hiro Mashima. Also, all these challenges I'm writing about are inspired by a YouTube Channel Rosanna Pansino.

Lucy and Lisanna watched nervously as Mirajane giggled to herself. Though the beautiful woman had a lovely laugh to match, it scared the daylight out of our poor contestants. Whatever she was laughing about did not give a funny impression for those two.

"I'm truly sorry about this, but it just had to be done! Therefore, our next challenge game is a little something called Bean Boozled!" Mira announced.

"Bean Boozled? What the heck is that?" Lucy asked her friend beside her. "Beats me. Does it sound threatening to you?" Lisanna said.

"Not really, no. But you can never be too sure with these girls. As I've learned in the past hour," Lucy said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Lisanna nodded. "Took the words right out of my mouth, Lucy." The two stared at the innocently-smiling ladies standing off to the side.

"Well, let's get started shall we?" Laki said, winking at the white-haired and blonde duo.


Elfman's smirk grew. "We'll have a bet!"

Natsu's eyes grew, but so did his grin. "Ha! Sounds good to me! If you lose, you can't say anything related to 'man' for the rest of the day!"

Elfman gasped in shock, but he kept his composure. "Fine! But if YOU lose..."

Everyone present had their ears all open.


Silence. That's what now engulfed the space. Only silence and shock.

"SAY WHAAAAAT????!!!!!" was the brilliant reply of the three male wizards.

Asuka and Happy in the bush had to muster every ounce of strength within them not to yell in surprise as well. Happy just couldn't believe it. Asuka on the other hand...

I can't believe it! If Natsu loses... he'll tell Lucy that he likes her! Then maybe they'll get married. Oh! I can get a friend! Then we'll all live happily ever after! Just like in fairy tales!

Asuka's grin couldn't grow any wider. She turned to Happy. "Happy! Let's go back! We have to tell Auntie Mira!"

"Aye, sir!" Happy whispered back. They scurried away before being noticed. Gajeel just stood still, the words replaying in his metal mind.

Confess to the girl he likes? Does Salamander even like someone? And if he does... Oh Lord... what is this world coming to?!

Gray had different thoughts on his mind.

What could be Elfman's motive behind this? Is he serious? Well, Natsu stinks at checkers. Or any game involving strategy for that matter. He'll definitely lose. Could that mean he'll confess? But to who... hold on... Lucy? Well, they're always together. I know Flamebrain likes her even if he doesn't know himself...What's Lucy up to now? Oh yeah, that gameshow crap...What was it...NaLu vs. NaLi? Yeah, that's it! Hold the phone! Na..Lu? Natsu and Lucy? NaLi.. Natsu and Lisanna... A competition? And Elfman is here telling Natsu to... HOLY CRAAPPP!!!

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