The Smoothie Challenge Part 2

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This is part 2 of the Smoothie Challenge! I apologize for such a short chapter last time, but I needed to update and I couldn't find the notebook where I kept the order of this challenge. So this is the real thing and I will do my best to be the least laziest author I can be!

Her hand searched through the jar. Her fingers fumbled through the sea of crumpled papers. Her mind rejected each one it touched. After a few moments of touching and rejecting, her fingers, by some means, chose one that appeared to have been destined to be chosen. Following her gut, she lifted the folded piece of paper up and out of the cookie jar.

Her eyes were shut tight, and her hand gripped the paper. Her eyes fluttered open to reveal chocolate-brown orbs. They stared intently at the folded paper in her palm. Cautiously, she unfolded it to discover...

"Number 7! A lucky number!" Lucy cheered. Lisanna turned around to reach out for the bag labeled with 7. She handed it to the blonde.

"What's in there?" the Strauss sister questioned as she watched Lucy open the brown paper bag. The celestial wizard poked her hand through, and when it came out, it was holding a bag of-

"MARSHMALLOWS!!!" the two shrieked before the author could even finish writing.

"Are you kidding me?!" Lisanna cried, as Lucy jumped up and down clutching the marvelous bag.


Lucy eagerly ripped open the bag and grabbed a handful of marshmallows at a time and carelessly dropped it into the blender cup. "Ohhh, luck is on my side today! You know, they used to refer to me as 'Lucky Lucy Heartfilia!' Haha!" Lucy playfully threw a couple of marshmallows at her opponent.

"Hey!" Lisanna laughed, but casually picked one up from her shoulder and popped it into her mouth. Lucy picked one out of the girl's white hair and ate it, as well.

"Yum yum yum yum!" Lucy chanted with a mouthful of marshmallows. Lisanna did the same, and soon, both had stuffed cheeks, and were poking each others'.

Mira giggled. "When did they become so childish?" she whispered into Erza's ear.

"Oh, it doesn't matter as long as they're having fun!" the redhead whispered back. "But I suppose since they're doing this, we can cross the game 'Chubby Bunny' from the list."

Levy laughed lightly. "I agree."

"Okay, okay! You win, Lucy! YOU WIN!! JUST!! STOP!!!" Lisanna screamed while laughing loudly.

Everyone's attention was reverted back to the duet, where their eyes met with the sight of the blonde tickling the daylight out of her opponent with an evil smirk on her face. Soon though, she reluctantly relented.

Lisanna took heavy breaths as she drew a number from the jar. "It's...finally my...turn," she said as she unfolded the paper, causing Lucy to laugh.

"Number 12."

Mirajane got her the bag. Lisanna took it. "Thanks, sister," Lisanna said in a playful accusing tone. Mira couldn't help but laugh.

"Whipped cream! YES!!" Lisanna whooped.

Lucy gasped. "NO! FAIR!"

Lisanna shot her a small glare, which Lucy cracked up at, yet. "Don't even talk, Heartfilia," Lisanna ordered. The white-haired mage took a big spoon from nowhere and took huge scoops of whipped cream from the tub and plopped it into her blender cup.

"Ingredient Number 2!" Lucy called as she drew a number. "Number 3, huh? Another lucky number," the blonde bounced her eyebrows at the other contestant.

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