Captivation Part 52

Start from the beginning

"You really want a night cap?" He was pretty sure she had not proposed coming round to his house just so that they could have a night cap!

Caitlin bobbed her head slowly. She figured she'd need it for courage.

They walked along the hallway, with his arm around her waist, or so she thought until Caitlin realised he'd unzipped her dress. She felt his fingertips coast along her vertebrae. Caitlin turned to reprimand Jared with a teasing look, and wasn't at all surprised find herself snagged close as he took her lips in a scorching kiss. She barely noticed the dress slide off her shoulders as Jared peeled it off her, with his lips still in full contact with hers. The dress pooled on the floor at her ankles. Her silk and lace bra followed in quick succession.

So much for taking all that trouble to choose some sexy lingerie! He was clearly more interested in what lay beneath that layer of lingerie! With her bra discarded, somewhere along the hallway, Caitlin was bare from the waist up. Jared lifted his head. His lips left hers and he began a slow descent along her jaw, down the column of her arched neck, past the hammering pulse, to her shoulder, the curve of her breast and one bullet hard nipple. She gasped. Sensation flooded every cell. As his tongue flicked over the tip, her back arched and Caitlin's eyes flew open. She looked at him, with his mouth at one breast and his fingers gently massaging the other he looked at her.

Then he kissed his way back up the column of her neck, kissed softly along her jaw line, inching toward her earlobe. He kissed his way back to her lips. Caitlin felt herself melt. Literally melt. Jared kissed her with open demand and wasn't at all surprised to find that she matched him move for move.

"Oh." The sigh left her lips breathlessly when he released her lips for a microsecond. His fingers played with her breasts, their eyes on each other as silent questions were asked and answered. Jared lowed his head and kissed her again. Then tracked kisses across her cheek, before kissing his way back down her neck. With desperate fingers she clutched at his head, tugged at his hair, pulling him up, urging Jordan to return to her lips. Caitlin needed his lips on hers. "Yes." Caitlin whispered against his lips, just before he touched his lips to hers.

Jared inched back. "Yes?" He asked in bemusement, brushing lightly against her swollen lips, "Yes, what?" He nibbled along her jaw line again, nuzzling her ear before tracking back to her lips. Kissing Caitlin was something he could spend his entire life doing.

"Tonight." Caitlin breathed against his lips. She had dressed for this night, purchased special lingerie just for this. Not that he had taken much notice of the silk and lace lingerie!

Jared froze, wondering whether he understood what she meant. Slowly Jared lifted his head and looked at her, with clear speculation in his eyes. "Tonight?" He knew she was telling him they could take things to the next level.

"Yes." She said. Softly. She wanted tonight to be special.

A smiled ghosted the corner of his lips. "You're sure?" Caitlin nodded. Elation flooded his eyes. They'd talked about this. He wanted her to decide. No pressure. If she wanted to wait until after they got married, that was ok. It was going to be her decision. Caitlin smiled, nerves and excitement warring for precedence. Then he quirked a brow and suggested with a broad grin, "Could you pretend you aren't ready for another half hour?"

"What?" Puzzled she arched back and looked up at him.

"I'm really enjoying this foreplay." Jared told her with a twinkle in his eye.

Caitlin giggled. That's what she loved about being with this man. She could be herself. She could trust this man to be honest with her. She trusted him with her life. She grinned at him and challenged, "And you think you'll last half an hour without coming?" Where she found the confidence to be that cheeky she did not know. All she knew what that with this man she just had to be herself. Because that is who he loved.

Jared laughed, then hauled her close and kissed her. "It depends on how easy you are!" He murmured against her lips. He had dreamed about this moment every night for the last two weeks. Now that it was here he fully intended to make sure that it was perfect for Caitlin. He knew she was probably nervous, the pulse at her neck gave that away. So he was determined to go slow and make sure that this night was absolutely magical.

"What?" She snorted in feigned disdain.

"Does how responsive sound better?" Jared asked with a broad grin. Being with Caitlin was better than he had ever thought possible. The last couple of weeks were better than expected. She made him feel things he had never thought possible. Never expected to love anyone as much as he loved her. She liked him the way he was. She made him feel special.

"No!" Caitlin said with a chuckle. This was another reason why she loved this man. He made her feel powerful and strong and loved. And he made her laugh. She was also going to trust him to make this evening wonderful. She knew he would. Even now he was trying to ease her nerves.

"How about, how good I am." Jared suggested with a wiggle of his eyebrows. "Yeah. That sounds a bit better!" He swung her up into his arms. "Ok. Time for bed!"

Caitlin threw her arm around his shoulder and burrowed into chest. "Please." Jared strode along the hallway. She snuggled closer and her fingers teased apart the buttons to his shirt and then her fingers slid beneath the cotton. Jared's arms held her more securely, even as her tentative foray beneath his shirt almost had him loose control. It was that mix of innocence and lust that was an aphrodisiac. Her finger nails tracked across the expanse of his chest and accidentally glanced across a nipple. Jared's indrawn breath was drowned by the hammering of his heart.

"What was it you said about lack of experience?" Jared murmured against her hair and used his foot to push open his bedroom door.

Caitlin giggled. Striding into the room, Jared made short work of the distance from door to bed.

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