Chapter 13

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I was exhausted the next day and my bum was sore as hell. I couldn't even sit on it. I tried one time but it burned so damn alot. I had to always lay down.

This wouldn't have happened if he didn't just think what he wanted and said what he thought instead of listening to my side of  story but no he is stubborn as a mule. And i am not less.

I was sad and angry at him. He was feeling guilty and trying to ask for forgiveniss while i was ignoring him, not talking to him and not even looking at him.

I sighed frustratedly. I was hungry and wanted so desperately to go and eat something but i didn't want to go to the kitchen and meet Nathan right now as he was right on my tail.

But i was hungry and had no other option then going to the kitchen and to grab something. Looks like i had to be brave and suck it up and go on.

I stood up from the bed and walked to the door in the bedroom that i was residing in. I unlocked the door and walked out of the room shutting the door behind me.

I walked to the kitchen without any sound and looking every second around me for some movements of a certain someone. I thought of lots of thing to avoid thinking about him like:

Broccoli. Why do people hate broccoli. Broccoli is the most delicious vegtable that there is for me. Well if you now with what to make it with obviously. Otherwise you could just bake it with butter for some minutes and make a salad. Thats delicious too. You could also make it with shrimp. You have to cook the shrimp in water then you have to take it out of the water if it turns pink and then you have to put onion and garlic in an pan with oil and bake that. Put all sorts of ingredients you want pepper, salt, black pepper etc. Then put soya sauce in the pan after that when your garlic and onion is cooked put in your shrimp and bake for some minutes but not too much otherwise the shrimp will curl in. Anyway after your shrimp is cooked you should put your broccoli in the pan and let that bake too not for long and when your dish broccoli and shrimp with sauce is finished you could eat it however you want with rice or with bread or just like that.

Another dish is barbeque chicken in the oven.
You should  take how many pieces you want and put it on a pan or whatever you want to use to put it in the oven. But before you put the chicken in your pan you can put on aluminium foil on the pan so that your pan doesn't get burned i mean the sauce in the pan.
Anyway back to the chicken. Sprinkle some salt and peper and other ingredients on one side of the chicken and put it in the oven then for 10 minutes when those ten minutes are up do this again on the other side of the chicken for another 10 minutes. After that put some barbeque sauce on one side of the chicken and let it cook in the oven for ten minutes and do it again on the other side after the 10 minutes. And at last do repeat again for 20 minutes devided with barbeque sauce and viola you have your barbeque sauce chicken in the kitchen. As you see this dish takes lots of time and lots of patience. If you are someone that is not patience you should do something in those 60 minutes devided. Like maybe cooking fried rice or something or read in those minutes as you guys like to read.

"What are you doing here ?" The delicious mouth watering voice asked behind me. Well people can not be mouth watering but what else can i do ? He is so sexy hot and delicious. His voice, touch, scent, looks, eyes, body. They sent shivers, electric shivers straight towards my core. His everythings does something to my body. And he is no one else than Nathan.


Hi thanks for reading and supporting me to write further on guys by voting,commenting, reading and following me. Thank you all. I hope you enjoyed it and that you will wait for the next chapter for this book and the others as i am in college on a exam class. As i do not have much time  on my hand.

Thank you one more time. Byeee.


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