Chapter 3

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A week. Aready a week passed with what happened with Nathan. And a week since i have a Scott. He is so cute. I love him already.

I am relieved that Nathan didn't come and that i didn't see him.
"Yeah right. Keep lying to yourself." My innner voice said.
Argggh yeah yeah. I'm sad that i didn't see him alright happy ?
All of those things he said to me were a lie. I'm sad that i was just a play toy to him.

Wel anyway enough about him. Today is a very busy day in my restaurant. All sorts of tourist came today. I didn't had anything to do today so i just came. In the middle of the day all my friends came. I went to them and sat with them.

We all spoke about everything that happened in our life the last days. But of course i didn't tell them about Nathan.

"Hey do you know him Crystal ?" Natasha asked.
"What who ?" I asked
"That boy who is staring at you since he came in." She replied.
"What where ?" I asked.
"There." She showed me.
I looked behind me and saw who she was talking about.

I took a good look and saw that it was Nathan. What what is he doing here ? How did he find me here. He was already staring at me. When he saw that i was looking at him he smiled. I sneered and looked back to my friends.

"No i don't know him. Do you ?" I asked Natasha.
"What you don't know him ? Which country are you from Crystal ?" She frowned
"What whats wrong ?" I asked her.
"Seriously you don't know him ? He is the most famous bussinessman in the whole country. Plus the most rich billionaire in the world. He is too a mafia don. How do you not know him ? The one and only Nathan Parker.
"What are you talking about ? He's rich ? Mafia don ?" I replied.
What ooh my god. What did i get myself in?
Thats why he said 'i have my contacts'. Arghh.
"What you know him ?" She asked. This whole time we were whispering and the rest of our friends were talking about god knows what.
"Wha-whatt nno i don't haha no." I stuttered.

"Hmm ooh really. Somethings fishy here." She replied narrowing her eyes at me.
"What no. Thats not true." I replied while fake laughing. She narrowed her eyes one more time and brushed it off.
"Anyway he is 25. So young. I would die for him. He's so handsome." She said dreamily.
I sighed and stood up. I won't lie. I am jealous. I just wanted to say ' No don't think of him like that. He is mine so back off.'. But i didn't.
"I'll go take a look whats happening inside and then i'm going home. Bye guys."
They all said bye and i took a last look at Kaiden who was smiling and staring at me. I walked away and went to my workers.

An hour after i helped serving customers, cooking together with my chefs, making desserts i was done with my work. My friends all left after i bid them bye. Nathan left 10 minutes ago. The whole time i was serving or taking customers orders he was staring at me, i could always feel it. But i didn't looked at him afraid that i would go to him and kiss him right on the spot.

He was very sexy and handsome. Every person was affected with his aura. All the women and girls were literaly drooling over him and the men were glaring because their dates wouldn't pay attention to them.

But the whole time he didn't even acknowledged them or even glanced at the girls, he was always staring at me.
I gave my secretary the responsibility to close the restaurant after all the customers went away and went to my car. I hopped in and drove to my house.

I slumped on my couch. Scott came running to me and jumped in my lap when he heard me.
"Hello Scott. I see you missed me. I missed you too." I said while patting and kissing his nose. He started licking my lips and face. "Haha yes yes i know you missed me."
I said laughing. I picked him up from my lap and went to my kitchen. I picked his food from the fridgidair and put it in the microwave. When i heard that it was done i put the food in his plate and put it on the ground. I put him on the ground and told him to eat.

After he was done eating i put his plate in the dishwasher and brought him to his bed to put him to sleep which i had bought for him the day after he was given to me by Nathan.

I then went to my bathroom and undressed. I went in my shower and let cold water fall on me.
After i enjoyed my shower longer than i intended to i grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I stepped in my bedroom to dress up but what i saw there and heard there shocked me.

"Wel wel what a sight Crystal baby." I screamed and turned around which caused me to drop my towel. I was naked from the bottom to the top.
There on my bed sat the devil himself. Nathan. He was sitting at the end off my bed. After the shock wore off i scrambled and tried to put my towel around me but Nathan had other thoughts. He dashed towards me and was in a minute before me. He grabbed my wrist and trew me on my bed and hovered on me.

"Crystal baby. Your so sexy. I don't want you to put clothes on this body for now." He said his voice husky and trailing fingers on my body which caused me to shudder and him to smirk. He brushed his lips around my nipples. I moaned hard with pleasure and arched my back going towards him wanting him for more.
He smirked and brushed him lips on my lips and retracted as fast as he could. I whined and moaned for him.
He brushed his lips one more time on my lips. When i whined again he smashed his lips on me and forced my lips open. He savoured and explored every inch of my mouth.
When i remembered what Natasha had told me i pushed him off me. I surprised him and thats why he fell off of me. I ran to my towel which was still on the ground where it fell and wrapped it around me.

"What are you doing in my house ?" I screamed at Nathan who stood up from the ground and was glaring at me.
"Crystal that wasn't nice. Come here." He said darkly.
"No. Get out off my house Nathan. How did you even get inside ?" I screamed.

My loud voice caused Scott to wake up. He ran to Nathan. Nathan stayed looking at me agrily.
"No angel you come here right now." He said sternly.
"No." I said stubbornly.
"Fine." He started stalking towards me. I screamed and ran to my bathroom. I got inside and locked it. He started banging the door.
"Crystal open the fucking damn door now." He yelled.
"Baby i'll break it. Open it now." He screamed.
I was scared, terrified. I was whimpereing and sobbing quitly.

"Crystal do you want me to kill him ?" He stopped with banging the door.
What kill him ? Who ?
Thats when i heard a dog yelping in pain.
"Noo." I screamed and opened the door and ran back in my room.
Nathan had Scott in his hands and was holding him by his neck. Squeezing it.
"No no Nathan please let him go. Please Nathan you'll kill him." I cryed.
"Then come here right now." He looked at me. He didn't have to tell me a second time i ran to him.
He let go of Scott and put him on the ground. He pulled me towards him gripping my waist tightly.
I sobbed silently looking down at Scott who was barking at Nathan.

"Look at me baby." He put his hand on my chin and pulled it so that i look at his eyes.
"Baby i'm sorry ,i had to that otherwise you wouldn't come out. Why don't you understand angel ? I don't want to hurt you ? I love you." He gently pecked my lips.
"Nn-nno-oo you don't. Nathan i have a boyfriend. Please leave me alone." I whispered softly hoping he would believe my lie and hoping he would leave me alone.
"Boyfriend ?" He sneered.
"Really Crystal you couldn't find a better thing to say. You don't think i know you ? I have know you for fucking 5 years. Don't you dare lie to me. I have loved you for 5 damn years. And have held myself back."
He hardened his hold on me.

"Whatt ? How ?" I was shocked. How can that be possible. I thought i saw him for the first time that day at that cafe.
"Yes baby. When i was 20 and you were 15 i saw you for the first time. Your father worked for me and he was my dad's best friend. You already met me but seems like you forgot." He pulled me bridal style and brought me to my bed. He gently layed me in it.

"I have to make sure you know that you are mine. And mine only. And i have to punish you for pushing me away from you. Just know Crystal i love you very much. I will never let you go. I have held back for 5 years but not anymore. I can't and i won't. Not now that i have you in my arms." He pulled my towel away and grabbed my wrist. He came above me and started kissing my neck, shoulder and....


A/N: Thanks for reading :)).
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