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*Connor's POV*

We just walked out of Tyler's apartment.

I gave Troye the opportunity to stay at my apartment and he took that offer.

I'm still not over that kiss. Ugh Troye's so pretty. When he came out of Tyler's room, he looked mad and can I just say that he looks so pretty when he's mad.



"Yeah? Sorry. I was just thinking."

"It's okay. I asked where am I gonna sleep."

"Oh. Haha. Uhh.. you can sleep either on the couch or in my guest room. Your choice."

"The guest room would be fine... I guess."

His I guess was barely audible(.com/Connor) but I did hear it.

"What do you mean by I guess?"

"Oh nothing."

It had to mean something; but what?

*Troye's POV*

That I guess did mean something.

I wanted to sleep in the same room as Connor. I wanna sleep in the same bed as Connor. I bet he would hold me tight and keep me warm.

"Tro. We're here."

"Oh haha okay uh lets go in!" I blabbered without taking a single breath.

Connor looked at me like what the fuck is wrong with you?


Once we walked in, I set my stuff down right in the doorway and took my shoes off.

"Thanks for letting me stay here." I confessed to Connor.

"Oh no problem at all! I get pretty lonely when I'm here anyways so it'll be nice to have some company."

I smiled at his statement and walked over to the couch. I sat down when Connor asked me, "would you like anything to drink or eat?"

"Uhh.. suree. What do you have?"

"For drinks, I have Arizona, coffee, regular Pure Leaf tea, a few choices of soda..." there was a short pause as Connor looked in his fridge, "that's about it."

"Uhh.. I'll take a tea."

"Alright," Connor says as he throws me a tea, "what would you like to eat?"

"Again, what do you have?"

"I can make whatever."

"This may be a little weird but do you have cereal?" I ask while blushing.

Connor giggled, "yeah I do. I have Rice Crispies, Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes and Mini Wheats. Which would you like?"

Hmmm... Lucky Charms sound really good right now.

"I'll take some Lucky Charms." I said with a smile.

He smiled back, "Alright. Comin' right up!"

I giggled at his playful tone. I smiled and blushed. I looked back down at my phone, continue to scroll through Tumblr and get lost in my thoughts.

That kiss. I don't know if I'll stop thinking about it any time soon. It wasn't the most heated kiss I've ever had but it was slow, soft and sweet, but passionate. I never wanted it to end. I think it would have gone on longer but Marcus HAD to come in. Oh well. If he wouldn't have then Tyler probably would've and that wouldn't have been a pretty sight. His vocabulary would've become even more colourful than it already is. He probably would've punched Connor (if not me too (it wouldn't have been the first time)). He would've swore and kicked and punched and cried and screamed and shit like that.


I was snapped back to reality by my phone going off.

It's a text from Tyler. Of fucking course.

Hey. I'm sorry for cheating on you with Korey. I didn't mean to. We were really drunk and had no idea of what we were doing. I want you back, Troye. Please. Take me back? I really miss you. I love you xx

I ignored it, turned my screen off and sighed with obvious annoyance.

"Something wrong Troye?" Connor asked with an extremely concerned tone.

I shook my head slightly because he startled me and answered, "yeah. Tyler texted me though."

He looked at me with a very slight pissed of look, "what'd he say?" he asked with slightly gritted teeth.

I read the text to Connor and he just rolled his eyes and said, "I don't mean to be rude or anything but he's just fucking with you. I know what he's done to you and I know you don't deserve to be put through that shit. He's hit you, yelled at you for nothing, talked really horribly about you behind your back and other shit. You are an amazing person and you deserve a forever, not some boy who's looking for "better". I'm not saying that there is anyone better than you but you get what I'm saying. Damn, Troye. I saw you and Tyler being all cute and I wished that I was Tyler for the longest time. I wanted to wake up next to you, kiss you, cuddle with you, go on dates with you. I wanted to have the honour of calling you my boyfriend; but I couldn't.

"For the longest time, I was a lost boy that was tryin' to get my shit together. I finally do. I've finally got my shit together. I finally know who I am and who I want to love; and that "who" is the boy with beautiful ocean blue eyes who is sitting on my couch. That boy is you, Troye. I want to love you and I want to have the honour of calling you my boyfriend. The only thing is that love is a two-way street and I don't know what the other side looks like," there is a short pause, "and I've wanted to know for a lo-"

I cut him off by slamming my lips against his. I cup his face with my small hands as he grabs my hips and kisses back. Our kiss lasted about 30 seconds but it felt like 30 years. It was so passionate, slow, soft and just perfect. I wish it hadn't ended.

I pulled away from his beautiful face and saw an adorable and slightly awkward smile emerge across his lips. I smiled very awkwardly at him as his face got closer to mine again. This time, the kiss was heated. It was heated enough to make my breathing become uneven.

He pulled away, "let's go to the bedroom." he suggested seductively.

I Like You... A Lot  | a tronnor fanfic {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now