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**Connor's POV**

Our lips were together. It felt good. It felt right. Our kiss lasted for a good 2 minutes.

I feel like it would have lasted longer but we were interrupted... by Marcus.

While we shared our kiss, Marcus walked in Tyler's apartment. We heard the door open and then we stopped but Marcus stood there at the door, looking at us with a look of confusion and shock.

"Umm... Troye? Connor? What are you doing??" Marcus asked in a concerned-type voice.

Troye looked at him and said, "Marcus. What are you doing here??"

"I forgot something." Marcus answered.

"Please don't say anything to ANYONE. Please? Especially Tilly." Troye demanded.

Marcus let out a heavy sigh, "Okay. I won't."

"Thank you Marcus." I spoke up.

He smiled and then left.

"Shit... shit... shit... SHIT!!!" Troye shouted.

I replied, "Troye, breathe. I can leave and we can forget that this ever happened."

"But I don't want you to leave." Troye told me.

"I don't wanna leave either but I think it'll be for the be-" I admitted.

"But Con, I love you." Troye confessed, cutting me off.

I sat there, shocked.

"What? You can't. You love Tyler." I told him.

He just looked at me and said, "No, I don't. I don't love Tyler. Yes, I still like him and I'm going to go out with him but will I be happy? No."

"What? Why are you going to make yourself unhappy? You deserve to be happy." I demanded.

"I know but I don't want a whole bunch of shit going around. I'm going to wait a while." Troye admitted.

I just looked at him, sighed and stood up. I grabbed my jacket, keys, phone & camera and left.

Right before I left, I turned around and said, "Bye Troye. Lets forget this ever happened." He nodded and then I left.

**Troye's POV**

Connor just left. How can I forget that kiss? Just, how? It'll be impossible. It was magical, perfect. I don't even know how to describe it but all I know is that I didn't want it to end. I never felt anything like that before. it was an unknown feeling but I loved it.


I was taken out of thought by my phone going off.

It was a text from Tilly saying, "Hey. Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Could you run to the store and get a few things?"

"Sure. What do I need to get?"

"Chips in all kinds, dip, paper plates, basically party stuff. Me, Mamrie and Hannah are gonna have a party tonight at 8nand we need stuff but we are busy right now. We need some alcohol but I know you can't buy it so we will later. Thanks. Love you x"

"Okay. Will do. Love you too x"

I don't love him too. I lied right there but I have to act like I do. *sigh* Life is gonna be hard until further notice.

**Tyler's POV**

What the hell? Whenever we text, he always says I love you or I love you too with a bunch of heart/ kissy face emojis, or at least 1 but there were none this time. I don't know.

Anyways, Mamrie, Hannah and I are gonna have a party tonight and we invited all of our YouTuber friends like Ricky Dillon, Kian Lawley, Connor Franta, Lilly Singh (iisuperwomanii), Jenna Marbles + Julien Solomita, Sawyer Hartman, Joey Graceffa, Grace Helbig, Colleen Ballinger/Miranda Sings +Josh, Shane Dawson and many more. It'll be epic.

Anyways, us 3 are planning this whole thing and we are going to the store to get alcohol since Troye can't buy it because he's not 21 (in America, you can't buy alcohol until you are 21). Our party starts at 8:00pm at my house. The 3 of us texted all of our friends that were in LA or that live here.

**Troye's POV**

I am at the store right now and I'm looking for the party stuff Til needs for tonight. I casually walk around the store, run into some fans and also run into someone that I wanted to see but yet I didn't. Connor. I saw him and ran into another isle. I thought I was safe so I was just minded my own business until I hear my name,



"Hey. Uhh... so I heard that Tyler is having a party later and I got invited."

"Oh. Okay. Uhh... I better go so I guess I'll see you then."

"Bye Sivan."

"Bye Franta."

We walk our separate ways. I was blushing and so was Connor.

After that, I got the rest of the stuff and left.

I Like You... A Lot  | a tronnor fanfic {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now