Chapter 10: First Day

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The next morning, the Top 15 students were awoken by a loud noise coming from the hall. Jinwoo woke up and put his pillow on his ears

"Argh! What is that sound?!" -He heard Mino groan from his bed

"I don't know. Is it an emergency alarm or something?" -Jinwoo said.

"I'll go check it out." -Jinwoo said as he got up from his bed and left the room. He saw the other students also leaving their rooms and wandering in the halls. They all seemed just as confused as Jinwoo was.

What the hell is going on?!

Then, he saw Daesung slowly approaching them with a smile. He was holding a remote in his hand. He pressed a button and the noise stopped

"Prof. Kang... what was that noise?" -Lee Hi asked

"It was The President's idea! He said that this was the best way to wake the students up on time."

We're not in the army...

"Now, you all get ready and go have breakfast. You have a very important meeting with The President." -Daesung said and one of the students chuckled. Daesung looked around and then his eyes caught Seungyoon who was smirking at him

"Why you little!" -Daesung said in a treathening tone and started running towards Seungyoon who seemed a little surprised, but he quickly started running away from him. The other students heard Seungyoon's laughter echoe through the hall.

"You little brat!" -They heard Daesung's voice in the distance

"Are those two brothers or something?" -Lee Hi suddenly asked

Huh... Thinking about it now, they do have the same last name and seem pretty close

"Nope. They're cousins." -They suddenly heard someone behind them. Jinwoo turned around and he felt like he couldn't stand


She glanced at him and smiled at him. He just looked away, but he saw her reflection in one of the windows and realized that her smile faded.

"You guys go and have breakfast. Don't mind those two." -She said, refferring to Daesung and Seungyoon.

Of course she's talking about that idiot again...

"Mr. Kim..." -Minzy said as she looked at Jinwoo. His heartbeat quickened

"I need to speak to you." -She said and Jinwoo chuckled

"I can't. I have to go eat and then I have a meeting with The President. I can't be late." -Jinwoo said

"He will understand." -She said and Jinwoo rolled his eyes. She left the buidling confidently, as if she was sure that Jinwoo will follow her

Ugh... I bet she'll just talk about that idiot...

Jinwoo hesitated, but decided to follow her. She was sitting on one of the benches in the park. Jinwoo sighed and sat next to her.

"What is it..." -Jinwoo asked coldly

"I wanted to talk to you. I know things between us are complicated, but we need to fix it now that we're both here. We don't have any other choice." -Minzy said

I get what this is... She wants me to back off from here and the nerd

"Don't worry about it." -He said and she raised her eyebrow

"I won't be bothering you." -Jinwoo said as he stood up, but Minzy pulled his sleeve and he sat down again.

"You don't get it. I don't just want us to pretend like we're complete strangers or something. I want us to have a normal relationship. I want to be able to speak to you normally and for you to speak to me whenever you'd like." -She said and Jinwoo chuckled

"I really doubt that we can make a normal relationship work. I hate myself for saying this, but... I still feel the same way about you as I did 4 years ago." -Jinwoo said and Minzy sighed

"Don't worry. I know that your opinon of me hasn't changed. But think about it this way: I love you the same way you love that idiot Daesung." -He said and Minzy right away wanted to say something, but Jinwoo put his finger infront of her

"And I know that you'll say that you're over him. But you're not. I know you better than anyone else does and I know that you still love him... and that... that's killing me. "

"I don't love him. Not anymore. I loved him a lot longer than I should, but I don't love him anymore." -She said and Jinwoo seemed surprised

"I'm glad. He doesn't deserve you. I don't either, but... it's easier knowing that you're over him." -Jinwoo said with a smirk

"I will try and make things work between us. I know it will awkward at first, but that's exactly how it was when we first started hanging out." -Jinwoo said with a smile and Minzy smiled back

How I miss her smile...

"Thank you." -Minzy said with a nod and then left. Jinwoo returned to the building


Junhoe woke up much later than the others. The loud alarm in the hall didn't bother him so he still slept. He woke up and went to the kitchen which was empty

Guessing the others already ate...

He took some cereal and milk and then went to the large dining room which was also empty. He only noticed Mino finishing up with his breakfast

"Hey!" -Junhoe called him and Mino smiled

"Ay man, you're kinda late to breakfast. The others already ate. We're going to The President's office in an hour." -Mino said and Junhoe sighed, but nodded.

Aigooo... Why didn't I wake up on time?

Mino also left the dining room and Junhoe sat behind one of the tables.

It's so weird to be in such a big space alone...

Just then, he heard someone approaching the dining room. He saw Hanna also carrying a bowl of cereal. She and Junhoe exchanged looks and rolled their eyes

Ugh... Why her of all people?!

She sat behind a table that was right next to Junhoe's. The two of them kept glancing at each other, but would quickly look away.

This is so weird...

Junhoe ate his cereal quickly and then got up as he walked back to the kitchen.

I-I don't know what I feel when I'm around her. I kinda feel insecure since I don't know when she'll start messing with me. I don't know why she's like that towards me and only me. She's cool with everyone else, though she doesn't let them put her down in any way. I don't even talk to her, yet she's a bitch to me.

Junhoe was still in his thoughts when he heard her approching the kitchen. She entered and Junhoe glanced at her empty bowl. Then his eyes caught her's.

She's beautiful when she's not being a bitch.

Then she chuckled as she rolled her eyes

There it goes...

"Are you scared of me or something? Is that why you keep avoiding me?" -She suddenly asked and Junhoe didn't know how to respond

"I'm not scared of you... I just don't like you." -He said and she suddenly stopped smirking and looked hurt

What the? Since when does she care what anyone thinks of her? And why do I feel bad?!

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