Chapter 9: B.I.

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After the introductions, Hanbin went back to his room which he is sharing with a student he had just recently met- Kin Jinhwan

He's pretty cool. He doesn't bother me with questions or anything.

-Hanbin thought to himself as he entered the room, but didn't see Jinhwan.

We still didn't decide on who's bed is whose and I can't unpack without knowing.

Hanbin decided to look for him, so he went in the hallway of their building. While looking for him, he saw Lee Hi.

I hope she's okay. When she asked Prof. Lee to leave the common room, I wanted to go with her and see if she was okay, but that guy Bobby went before me...

Hanbin, without even realizing it, smirked as he looked at Lee Hi.

She's really pretty and she's a good person...

He wanted to approach her, not even knowing what to say, but befor she could he heard Jinhwan laughing at someone. He quickly looked at the door and saw Jinhwan running through them. Chanwoo followed him

What the hell is going on? Did idiot get himself in trouble already?

Hanbin sighed as he looked at Lee Hi who was walking away and then started running after Jinhwan and Chanwoo. He saw Jinhwan acidentally puhing a girl and Hanbin quickly ran to her

I hope she's alright. That didn't look like a good fall.

Hanbin aided her and she looked at him as if he was unreal

Did she get a concusion or something?

He helped her get up, but soon realized that she couldn't stand properly.

She probably hurt her ankle... I should get to te clinic.

He picked her up and carried her to the clinic, after she argued with her brother for a second. While he was carrying her, he was in panic, but she seemed very relaxed and happy.

She definately got a concusion.

Hanbin brought her to the clinic and a nurse approached him.

"She had a bad fall and injured her ankle. Probably got a concusion, too." -Hanbin said and Soohyun looked offended. The nurse helped Soohyun walk to the doctor's office and Hanbin wanted to leave, but the nurse stopped him

"Wait! How will she get back to her dorm?" -The nurse asked

Why the hell is she asking ME?

"Uh... I don't know. Won't you guys take care of that?" -Hanbin said and the nurse gave him the 'Seriously?' look.

"Wait just 5 minutes. The doctor will just see if the injury is too serious and then you help her get back to her dorm." -The nirse said and Hanbin rolled his eyes

"Fine..." -He said. 5 minutes later, Soohyun's check up was finished. She left the doctor's office with a bag of medicine and she smiled as soon as she saw Hanbin. He smirked at her

"T-Thanks for waiting up for me. I really appreciate it." -She said

"Don't mention it." -He said and then held her hand as he helped her to walk. She held his hand tightly. They got to the building and he helped her walk to her room. Then, he went to the hallway and saw Lee Hi arguing with Hanna. Hanna yelled at her and then walked away. Lee Hi looked upset.

I should go see if she's okay...

Hanbin approached slowly approached her. He swallowed hard as his heartbeat quickened.

"Hi, uh... are you okay?" -He asked and Lee Hi seemed a little surprised to see him since she didn't pay attention. She faked a smile and nodded, as if to sY that she's okay. She walked away

Damn it! Why did I have to be so awkward?!

Then, he went back to his room only to see Jinhwan getting up from one of the beds

"Is she okay?" -Jinhwan asked

"Who?" -Hanbin asked and Jinhwan stared at him in disbelief

"The girl you carried to the clinic!" -Jinhwan said

"Oh yeah, her. Yeah, she's okay. The doctor just asked her to rest. She's in her room now." -Hanbin asked and Jinhwan quickly left to room.

Shit. I didn't even get to ask him which bed is mine... Ah, whatever.

Hanbin started unpacking his things. Then, he looked trough the window of his room and smiled when he saw Lee Hi talking to someone, but he couldn't see who it was.

It's probably one of her roommates.

Then, the person turned around and Hanbin felt sick.

Bobby?! Why is he always around her?! What the hell is his deal? Doesn't he have better things to do?!

Hanbin placed the curtains over the window so he couldn't see then anymore and then he fell on his bed.

I'm so pathetic...

A/N: And with this chapter we conclude the main character introductions. From here, I'll start with the actual storyline, as we as catching up with 2NE1 and BIGBANG. Also, I changed the book cover since the previous one didn't include Hanna, Chanwoo and AKMU.

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