Chapter 30: Just How Much You Mean To Me

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Fallyn's POV


I was sitting at the kitchen table with the guys, we were eating breakfast. According to Mikey it was the only actual meal they made, most of the dinners and lunches they ate where takeaway. Since they were all horrible at cooking they would only make something if they didn't want to buy it from somewhere.

I can understand why things would work like that, the only person who I'd seen cook while I've been on the bus was Gerard and the food he made was good so no one else would cook if they could help it.

Frank tried to cook some toast this morning, when I said tried I meant it. He put two pieces of bread into the toaster because he wanted toast for breakfast, the toaster literally burst into flames. If I didn't know it was Frank trying to make toast I would have put it up to spontaneous combustion.

The guys nearly had to get me a paper bag to crazily hyperventilate into when Gee picked up the on flames toaster with his bare hands. I'd forgotten he wouldn't be hurt by flames or tossing a plugged in toaster into a sink filled with water.

On the bright side Mikey didn't seem to have his overwhelming desire to stick a fork in the toaster anymore. We're not sure if the urge is completely gone but we all hope it will at least make him have a second thought about what he's doing because even if it doesn't hurt him it still gets rid of all the power on the bus. Which we discovered thanks to the toaster bursting into flames like a demon in a church.

Because of said erasing of power the bus was parked in a rest area, surrounded by trees, in the snow and in the middle of nowhere while Greg insisted he knew how to fix everything even though Gerard offered multiple times to go into town or make a phone call. We didn't know how long we'd be here for and we were trying to wait everything out which wasn't the best idea since Frank gets bored easily.

Thanks to Frankie's short attention span I served as the main form of entertainment and was forced to have some more guitar lessons. Well not forced but he didn't give me any room to say yes or no and just assumed I wanted to get some more lessons.
I was kinda looking forward to it, he was a good and fun teacher.

He kept telling me how proud he was by how much I've learned in such a short amount of time and I couldn't help but blush at every compliment and try to pretend I was doing the exact opposite which isn't easy when he's able to read my mind and can hear my heart.

Gerard sat in the chair next to the couch and listened while I went over all the songs I've learned which in total are six. I couldn't help but feel very proud of myself a little, it wasn't that long ago when I couldn't even play a guitar let alone multiple songs.

I'm not sure why Gerard was sitting with us. I knew the band was getting a break from touring for a while but even when he wasn't organising concert stuff Gee would usually be doing something artsy in his bunk or in the kitchen.

A part of me suggested that he might be in here to listen to my guitar playing and watch just how much I improved since the first time I picked up a guitar. Then another part of me said he was in here so I couldn't be alone with Frank. With what I've put together from my time spent with Gee I thought he was in here as a constant reminder for Frankie to keep his hands to himself.

My fingers glided over the strings and I was feeling a little surprised by how easy this was. I don't feel like an idiot at all now, I feel like I might look a bit more talented or maybe skilled. My ego wasn't doing me any favours with how often Frank told me I was doing better and holding the guitar correctly and stuff like that.

I felt like Frank was suddenly being overly nice to me because of what happened the other night after my guitar lessons. I didn't want to think about it because I was afraid I'd burst into tears like I did when Frank was trying to talk to me, jumping away as if I was covered in lighter fluid and he was on fire didn't help.

Last night I'd been on my iPhone checking the weekly news from my school and seeing if anything new was happening. I was also smiling on the inside and having an internal gloatfest every time I thought how they had to go to school everyday while I got to hang out with a band, go to concerts backstage and stay in hotels, and don't mention how I happened to be getting guitar lessons from a legendary guitar player who also happened to be a vampire.

Apparently my old, horrible, please don't ever make me see it again as long as I live and breath, school Blackford High was holding a memorial service for Kat. I was surprised, I didn't think they'd even remember her and it was a little late to suddenly hold a memorial service so close to Christmas.

Actually it wasn't the school holding it, it had been the town and it was merely being held in the school auditorium, the town did this kind of thing whenever a local died, pretend to care, yada, yada, yada. They'd go through the actions but I knew it meant nothing to anyone, except for her parents and me, maybe Sissy and Vanessa even if they didn't go to her funeral.

It was hard for me to read the announcement and know that I couldn't be there. I should give a speech or something, but I won't be able to go, I'm heading back to Jersey with the guys and I have no idea what I'm gonna do once there, get a job maybe. I don't know, I didn't have any plans further than agreeing to stay on the bus for a little while, I never thought they'd want me to go back to Jersey with them.

Even if they wanted me to stay for Christmas what on earth would I be doing because it would be so weird to spend the Christmas with the guys parents and whatever other relatives they had who enjoyed staying for the holidays. I couldn't buy them any presents either, I didn't have a job or any money to get stuff and even if I was to get a job I wouldn't be able to make enough money to buy them presents in time for Christmas.

Sometimes I wish I didn't get on the bus with them, be near the bridge at that time of night or stay at that stupid haunted hotel where I stayed in Frankie's room for three days, using him as a body pillow in my sleep and sorta being aware I was doing it prior to going to sleep.

I'm not saying I hate them but I hate caring about people so much, it makes me want to stay and I want the freedom of never being tied to anyone. Damn if this is what I'm like when it comes to friendships then I should never get married or any other commitment as binding because I'll have a fit.

Brain why do you make me have to care about people so much? I'm worried about hurting the band if I leave now and I can't deal with that. I'm supposed to be living life on a day to day basis, never expecting what's gonna come next and the only thing I'm doing that's not expected is having no idea where I'm gonna stay. Even then I bet one of the guys will offer for me to stay at their house while I'm in Jersey.

I need to leave before I become too attached, before I giggle too hard when there's another band moment in the kitchen that'll be someone getting pranked or pranking, the most common recipient for pranks so far is Gerard but he doesn't seem to mind much.

I need to leave before my heart starts beating too fast when I'm talking to Frank, I can't think of a particular example. I guess my hearts beating fast whenever I look at him there's no specific time, his smile could probably count as something, his half mischievous, half incredibly sexy smile that makes me want to start laughing like a hysterical idiot.

I need to leave before I feel so safe that I lose any realistic expectations of the outside world and start thinking everything will remain the perfect way it is now, forever. Because it won't and the pessimistic but logical side of my brain knows that. It knows it way too well because I'd started to think everything would remain in its perfect state forever until the cold, hard slap of reality hit me upside the head and reminded me my best friend Kat was dead.

Once we get to New Jersey I'm getting a job, if they offer for me to stay with them I'll agree, but once I've gotten enough money from my job to buy bus tickets or something along those lines I'm leaving. I'm saving myself from the heartbreak when I wake up and realise it was only a good dream that's now over.

The band won't stay together forever, they'll have to break up and stop touring, because people are gonna notice when My Chemical Romance doesn't age. It's not even like they're normal, everyday people who are just another set of lives making it through the world, no they're in the spotlight and it's not gonna fade 'til they break up.

Frank will find some incredibly lucky girl who he'll fall in love with. He'll propose and they'll have a beautiful wedding and they'll go on their honeymoon and have children (if vampires can have kids) and they'll be happy together.

The rest of the band once broken up will find some other project to move on to. Art or maybe another album with a different band, then they won't be around anymore. They'll stop trying to fix me and be my friends, I'll be just another person who they've helped out, this is how life works.

I'm not Cinderella or whatever lame ass fairytale princess you can think of. I'm never going to the ball in my beautiful dress and my dashing Prince Charming won't whisk me off my feet so we can go riding off into the sunset on his white horse. As much as I like to think life will work like that it just doesn't, there's only one person in this world who you can trust and rely on and that's yourself.

Unless you of course you happen to be a complete and utter lovestruck idiot, then it's probably best to get a close friend to make and important life decisions with you because everyone needs a slap of reality sometimes. They should can a slap of reality, things would go so much smoother if you could make your friends realise something by simply spraying a aerosol can onto them. A reality check and they'll realise what they're doing is a complete waste of time.

Ugh, I'm such a pessimist sometimes, I'll admit to it. I have a habit of looking on the dark side of life and more than often expect the worst possible thing to happen. Which according to my history the worst possible thing does happen.

Except for what happened on the bridge.
I'm not sure if it was good or bad that Frank stopped me from dying, it might be good because I got to meet my favourite band in the world. I got to know mythical creatures existed and I got to see Katelyn again (not that she's visited me since the concert).

On the bad side of things I now feel an obligation to stay alive for people I haven't known for longer than a week. Yep, my life has now got a meaning, yip-fucking-ee. I also happen to have feelings that I never thought I'd experience and I don't like it because when you care for someone you lose touch with what you're really like.

That's what happened to Katelyn. She fell in love with that idiot ex-boyfriend of hers, Cain, then she started acting nothing like her usual, fuck you world, attitude. She became a hair flipping, giggling, makeup wearing idiot and I say that with as much love in my heart as possible. I don't want to change just because I care for someone.

Is what makes everything even worse is that once you care, love (not even in a romantic way) or any of those classic, cliche, bubbly, heart cockle warming feelings, you trust. Trust is the stuff that breaks you, I know what happens when you trust someone and they hurt you.

When Katelyn killed herself everything in me felt completely broken and shattered into a million pieces. She was my best friend and couldn't even trust me enough to say something was wrong. I could have helped her, gotten her to go to counselling or have more chats with her parents. I'd even hold a pillow while she hit it if it made her feel better.

I'll be perfectly honest and say I'm terrified of trusting someone. It only takes one person to gain your trust then break it for you to lose all faith in your judgement of people forever and when you do begin to trust again you have to remind yourself every five seconds to keep on your toes and watch out for the trip wire that'll send everything spiralling downhill once more.

The band had earned my trust and a certain one of them even more than that. There was only one of them who knew it and it was enough for the inner part if me to know everything will end up going wrong and I'll get hurt again. That was the smart side of me who protected the much stupider, squishy, pink coated, rainbows and butterflies side who just wanted to frolic through a field of wildflowers.

It was that side of me the band had seen when I overdosed on a variety of Skittles. I hugged everyone, complimented everything and in general acted like an idiot, of all the things I did though, I'd have to say the most embarrassing thing I did was kiss Frank on the cheek, twice. Although I had a bit more control over myself when I did it the first time.

So I've now permanently banned myself from eating any kind of sugary food around them because I'm not risking allowing the psycho, lets skip over rainbows while holding hands with bunnies part of me to come out around the band. It was horrible first time so god knows what will happen of I try it again, besides throwing up was gross and I'd prefer to not go through it again if I can avoid it.

No matter how much I talked about needing to avoid using my happy yet idiotic side I also needed to get hold of and in general shut down the much darker side of me that would occasionally sneak out and try to take over. Frank got a sample of that last night when I spazzed because he simply put his hand on me, he was trying to be nice and calm me down but my body had no interest in that at the time.

I'd gained control long enough to tell him it wasn't his fault before going into the bunks and having one of my classic, full blown emotional meltdowns that I allowed myself on occasion. If I was a crying sissy every moment of everyday nothing would ever get done and everyone would think I'm crazy the bad kind and at least more than I already was.

It feels good to cry without having someone patting you on the back and telling you everything will be fine.

It was nice when one of the guys comforted me but if my mother were to suddenly start acting like that and tried to comfort me then I'd probably freak out and wonder if I was on some kind of prank show or maybe dreaming. I didn't want any comfort from my Mum though, I'd grown up learning how to face problems by myself and the thought of having someone else try to help me scared me.

My fingers stopped moving over the guitar as the song ended and I ran out of chords to play. Frank wasn't kidding about the callouses, it doesn't even hurt playing the guitar anymore, yay that means my fingers won't be bleeding which I think is a good thing. Everyone in the world probably agrees with me on that, unless you wanted your fingers to bleed I guess, then good for you with the fingers bleeding thing.

Playing the guitar's fun now, it's a lot less embarrassing when you know what you're doing. I somehow managed to surprise myself by all the chords I could remember, especially my ability to memorise six different, complicated songs.
Bad luck me of the past it looks like you can play the guitar, very well I might add, because the guys seem to be happy with what I've just played and they're not cringing, not on the outside anyway.

I gave Frank his precious and very loved guitar back and dropped my head on the couch with a long sigh. I've had enough guitar playing today, my fingers feel tired and I'm out of songs to play, it won't kill Frank to give me a break for the rest of the day. With me being able to play those songs without fucking up or forgetting I deserved a reward and whether he liked it or not I'm taking a full day break.

"That was really good, you've gotten much better, I think you could start your own band if you keep it up. What song do you wanna learn next, I've got a couple of ideas, they're a bit tricky to play but I think you'll be able to manage it."

As he spoke Frank was mucking around with his guitar, looking like he was gonna play it one moment and looking like he was gonna tune it the next.

I refuse to learn anymore today, my fingers are tired from all the playing, my brain is tired from having to remember the chords for all the songs and we are parked in a whole bunch of snow. In other words, no more guitar playing today because the snow's pretty and I fully intend to go outside and play in it (I may even frolic), if any of the guys want to join me that's fine, the more the merrier but I'm gonna enjoy the snow while its there.

"No more for today, please?" Frank's used to getting his way more than most of the time and it doesn't surprise me, his good at talking people into things, but so am I.

Since he was already close to me and looking at his guitar I took the opportunity to put my head on his shoulder when I asked to stop with the guitar for now. Gerard was in the room and watching me but he didn't think anything if it and went back to the tv he'd started watching when I stopped playing.

I had to ask nicely a couple more times before it ended with Frank having a long sigh and giving up. I got a huge uncontrollable grin on my face and he gave me a smile back before getting up to put his guitar in its case so it wouldn't be at risk of getting broken by either the bus moving around or all the stuff he kept in his storage compartment, including my bag that I'd moved there because I was unable to reach it without help when it was high up.

My original thought was to head straight outside the second I got the opportunity but since Frank liked the snow as much as I did I decided to wait for him while he did whatever with the guitar then I'd invite him to go outside with me. After all the snow is much more fun with two people, especially when one of those people is as fun to be around as the snow.

The guys had promised to stop reading my mind if they could help it. I'm not sure how you're supposed to stop reading people's minds but Frank was able to shut himself off from them and they also shut him out because some of his thoughts could get really annoying apparently.

I don't know what it's like to be in Franks head but I imagine it would be made of thoughts about food, dogs, music, guitars and whatever ridicules thing he'd decided to think of for the day which could possibly be many of the crazy sounding stuff he's mentioned while I've been with them, superheroes maybe, the Loch Ness monster or his crazy thoughts might be something disturbingly normal.

Peanut was walking around the bus, strutting would be a better word actually and I reached out to pat her as she walked by me. She jumped out of the way and I wondered if I scared her, she's been seeming not in the mood to be patted by anyone I've noticed, maybe she's growing up into a real fox. It's not like I thought she'd stay as a baby forever, you can't keep wild animals as pets and I knew that.

She'd gotten really big as well, everyone had been feeding her the whole time so she's been on the bus with the nourishment from the food her growth rate went through the roof. I think she might have been a bit older than I initially thought and was only small due to being malnourished or not having enough to eat. I should think about giving her to some vets so they can check and see if she's alright.

Frank came back in and sat on the couch next to me and went to watching the same television program Gerard had been staring at for the past however long. Is that how you are supposed to hypnotise vampires, through putting on a news show, maybe the guys just liked knowing what happened in the outside world, you get the feeling of being very isolated from everyone and everything while on the bus.

"Frank, will you come out to the snow with me? I'm bored and I haven't gotten a chance to enjoy it at all."

I stood up and started tugging on his arm, trying to get him to stand up which I was fully aware was a useless attempt, after all he is a vampire who is supernaturally much stronger than me and even if he wasn't a vampire I still think he'd be much stronger than me since he's a guy and has to be strong to survive all that crazy as hell stuff he does and gets away with on stage.

He stood up and I grinned happily, with Frank being the way he's always been I knew it wouldn't take much effort to get him to come outside with me. He was a naturally fun person and I intended to take advantage of it, but if I were to attempt to get, I don't know, Ray to go outside with me then I think that would be a whole other story and it would probably be a waste of time as well.

Frank threw me the beanie I'd worn when I went into the shopping complex with the band a little while ago and I pulled it onto my head.

It'd turned out the beanie was Mikey's but he said I could have it since he had more and I needed something to keep my head warm during winter.
All of the guys were always nice to me, even Bob who was supposed to have the most issues with blood, he taught me how to flip around a drumstick this morning when I woke up really early.

Gerard didn't seem to care that I was going outside with Frank and continued watching the tv as if we weren't there. He'd most likely be going back to drawing within the next ten minutes, he spent most of his time with a pencil and paper in hand which was another thing I'd learnt from spending time with them.

Without stopping on my out of the room I told Gee I'd be going outside with Frank. I'm not sure why I bothered mentioning it to him, he just seemed like he'd freak out if I was to suddenly disappear from the bus.

No, now I think about it he would definitely freak out, he wasn't exactly happy with what happened when Frank bit me and I was totally fine. It hardly hurt and tickled more than anything else.

Mikey was sitting at the kitchen table and throwing all his attention at a comic book X-men by the looks of it.

I liked comic books as well but I preferred graphic novels more, the art in comics was good but the kind you got in graphic novels was seriously amazing. Each picture could be its own work of art and they would come together and make this giant book of mesmerising art that I loved.

Ray was sitting across from Mikey and was playing a game on a Nintendo. It was the first time I'd seen him keeping entertained through something other than his guitar which he usually played for at least two hours at a time. I'd see Frank practicing on occasion but nowhere near as often, Frankie seemed to prefer mucking around with the others and chatting.

Bob was nowhere to be seen and I assumed he was in his bunk or taking a walk through the snow. I think my first guess was the more likely one, he's probably using his mobile or a PSP. The guys had so much technology lying around the bus it was ridicules, iPods, iPhones, Nintendo's.
I think I might have seen a Playstation around one time. It's a wonder they have any money left with all the games and comics they buy.

Peanut followed us off the bus and I instantly started giggling as she happily jumped around in the snow while chirping. Foxes are so cute I don't understand why people kill them, well it might be because they eat chickens but its not their fault, it's their nature. After all what's normal to the spider is chaos to the fly.

We walked a fair bit away from the bus to near to trees since the snow there was deepest and Frank immediately started building what looked like the makings of a snowman. I joined in and helped him even though I had no idea how a snowman was supposed to be made. This is probably gonna end up looking like shit since I'm such a novice around snow.

Somehow it actually ended up looking like a snowman. I had no idea how since Frank didn't seem to have much of an idea either and the most I did was pat down some snow and hand him some sticks for the arms. Sheer luck perhaps because neither of us had skill on our side. I honestly think Peanut would have more of idea as to what we should be doing.

When the base, middle, head and all the other necessary stuff for a snowman was added, put together and smoothed over Frank and I took a step back to admire our work.
I'm feeling kinda proud of myself, then an arm feel off and I started laughing as Frank tried to reattach it. He gave up and drew an unhappy face on the part that was supposed to be the head.

"Now it looks like, Gerard." I laughed when I realised he was talking about the unhappy face he'd drawn on it. Gee hasn't been the most happy, cooperative person in the world since the hotel, he wouldn't be mean to any of us (maybe a little to Frank) but whenever he wasn't talking he'd usually have a frown on his face.

I wonder how much longer it'll be 'til we're back on the bus and heading to New Jersey.
I'm feeling more than slightly anxious to see what happens once we get to their home town and I meet their family and friends, will any of them like me or will I only be viewed as some leech whose taken advantage of their hospitality. I hope not.

Peanut ran ahead of us and was playing amongst the trees in the distance. I couldn't help but smile, she's so cute I wish I could keep her forever but I know she'll have to go off to foxland one day so she can be with more of her own kind.
She'll get to have babies and make friends and all the other stuff foxes do that I'm unaware of.

A slightly larger, darker and older looking fox came running up to her from some place behind trees and everything in me went aw.

She made a friend isn't that the cutest thing ever, they ran around in the snow and around some trees while Frank and I watched.

He thought they were adorable as well, especially when they started jumping on each other playfully.

Gradually the two foxes, Peanut and the wild fox ran further and further away from me and the bus while playing. I wanted to call Peanut back but I could already see what was happening, she was leaving and going back to fox world with her new friend.

I stood there, biting my lip and trying to understand why I didn't feel upset she was leaving. I guess it was because some part of me always knew she'd have to go back to the wild at some point.

It was better her leaving with a friend and me getting to have the happy memories of watching her frolic off into the distance than have to feel bad about pulling over in a heavily wooded forest and shooing her away. Hoping she'd be alright and being afraid she'd hate me for making her leave.

Knowing through some form of intuition Frank put his arm around my shoulder and hugged me to him while I watched Peanut disappear into a cluster of trees and the distance.

I'm gonna miss the cute chirp she did when I gave her some food in the morning, ugh, she hasn't even been gone for more than ten seconds and I'm already reminiscing.

How incredibly pathetic of me.

It made me feel better, getting a hug from Frank. I could feel the warmth of his body through the multiple layers of clothing I'd put on to keep myself warm when I went outside.

Getting a hug from him was comforting and it made me happy even though he didn't say anything, the girl who ends up with him while be one lucky girl indeed, sometimes I wish I was lucky.

My cheeks went red at the thought and Frank let go of me so he could start scooping up snow, I'm not sure what he was doing, making another snowman perhaps. I didn't have any idea, half the stuff he did was a surprise, not necessarily a good one but it would always keep you on your toes, I hope he didn't hear what I was thinking just before.

He handed me a perfectly formed snowball and I got a flash of the trademark mischievous grin that hid in his smile.

Oh god what's he planning to do now, I know well enough that, that smile is only used for evil never good and it's a sign he's come up with something evil to do to one of the guys.

He's probably gonna get onto the bus and pelt them all with snowballs. It wouldn't be a surprise and even though I've never seen him do it before it probably wouldn't be a first.

I took the snowball from him and felt the cold seep into my hand, how he makes these without gloves I don't understand, but its likely to be a vampire thing.

I think he mentioned at some point that vampires don't feel the weather as heavily as everyone else, it's no surprise, he's out here in a T-shirt and jeans.

Obviously not the brightest idea for going out in the snow or any other place where it's this cold.

"Go throw one at, Gerard. It'll make you feel better, you can actually throw it at any of the guys and you'll feel better, it works for me."

I got another, mischievous, evil, crazy, maniac look as we both imagined Gerard's reaction to getting pelted with a snowball while either watching tv or scribbling in his sketchbook.
We both knew he wouldn't be happy, he'd be very pissed off actually and I didn't plan to be the person who poked the sleeping bear, Frank was the only person I knew who'd be stupid enough to do it.

But after all he did say I could throw it at any of the guys, Ray would be angry I got his fro wet, Mikey wouldn't be pleased I ruined his hair that he took an hour to straighten in the morning and Bob would get this really upset look that'd make anyone feel bad for the smallest thing.

I'd seen Mikey get the look when he pelted Bob in the face with a snowball a couple days back, there's only one member of the band I knew I could toss it at and they wouldn't get upset.

"I already know who I'm gonna throw it at..." A slightly watered down but almost as evil mimic of Franks mischievous, 'I'm up to no good' grin came to my face.

He din't seem to catch on with what I was gonna do and it made what I was about to do much funnier and victory even sweeter.

"Frankie!" Before he could react with his vampire speed and move out of the way or stop me somehow I smashed the snowball onto the top of his head, rubbed it into his hair and laughed at the mock shocked and hurt look on his face that I was smart enough to not believe for a second.

"Oh, your gonna pay." He laughed darkly and the look on his face backed up his claims, uh oh.

I squealed, pivoted and went to run away (preferably back to the bus and the safety of Gerard) as fast as possible even though I knew my attempt would be useless since it would take him no effort to catch me.

I hadn't even gotten as far as a couple of steps away when I felt his hand wrap around my wrist and he pinned me down in the snow while I continued to giggle like an idiot.

I'll admit I did see this coming and if I didn't want this to happen I would have known not to hit him in the head with a snowball. I laughed even harder when I tried to move my hands, he was kneeling over me in a way that kept my hands pinned by my sides.

Before I realised what he was planning to do or in this case actually doing, Frank had taken my very warm beanie that kept in over half of my body temperature while being outside in this freezing climate off my head, filled it with the freezing, wet snow I was laying on then put it back on my head.

I laugh/screamed when I felt the cold snow touch my hair then soak into my scalp then into my skin, it's so fucking cold and he's cheating.

I know he's not feeling cold right now, he's just making me suffer because I hit him with a snowball. Well I'm not really suffering but he doesn't know that, at least I don't think he does and if he does then get out of my head Frank!

"Frankie you jerk, let me up I'm cold!" Stop freaking laughing mouth, I'm never gonna be taken seriously if I continue laughing like a spazz at a loon festival.

He leaned in towards me and I could feel my heartbeat race. There's no doubt he's able to hear it right now, this is one of the most embarrassing things ever to happen to me. I felt my cheeks go even a brighter shade of red than a firetruck but the laughter wouldn't freaking stop.

This is one of the most inconvenient times for my nervous giggling to kick in.

"Only if you say sorry." I could see his breath turn into a frosty cloud as soon as it left his lips and I tried to look at something other than his mouth which was practically impossible since his face was so close to mine right now.

"Haha, I never surrender." In response for my half laughed words I got a mischievous and unnerving grin.
I know that look far too well, I'd gotten it moments ago when he filled my beanie with snow, my head's still cold and it's his fault.

"Your face is looking very flushed, are you feeling too hot? It'd really suck if you were suddenly go from hot to freezing wouldn't it?" Frank cocked an eyebrow as he started collecting a bunch of snow then began forming it into a sphere.

Oh you evil bastard.

I sighed and felt my heart get even faster for no apparent reason other than being in the position of having what I saw to be the hottest guy in the planet kneeling over me and threatening to hit me in the face with a snowball because I refused to say sorry.

At least I knew if Gerard was to walk out here right now Frank would be off me in a second, but I sorta didn't want that to happen.

The snowball he was making started to look very big and I didn't second guess how willing he'd be to put a whole bunch of snow on my face while I remained pinned down and helpless, besides calling for Gerard, which would get him most likely hurt and I obviously didn't want him injured...
Unless he happened to hit me in the face with a giant snowball.

"I'm sorry." I really didn't want a whole bunch of snow in my face and I really didn't want to murder Frankie for putting a whole bunch of snow in my face.

That freaking half suspicion raising, half sexy grin that made my heat beat faster came to his face and I had to try hard not to start my nervous giggling.

For gods sake someone come out here and save my brain and heart from this guy before I enter hotness overload while being pinned down in the snow by Frank who was undoubtedly plotting something as his face got closer to mine.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you."

Stop fucking teasing me and testing my patience we both know you damn well heard me now let me up so I can hurt you for making me lie in the freezing snow for this long.

That's what I wanted to say but he was close enough that I could smell the minty scent of toothpaste on his breath, so what did I do?

I giggled like an idiot, naturally.

With effort I dragged my thoughts into line and sorted them out so I had some idea what I was gonna say and not add swearing if I could help it. Because calling him a sexy moron was definitely not gonna stop him from dropping snow into my face.
It might shock him or incite laughter but it definitely wouldn't stop him.

Somehow I managed to swallow my pride along with the string of swearwords I wanted to launch at him and the nervous giggling that continued to bubble up in my throat and threatened to spill over so I'd increase my already Oscar award winning act of being an idiot.

Which wasn't hard considering how close his face and grin was.

"I said I'm sor-"

My words were cut off when Frankie's already very close face got even closer and I felt his lips press against mine, oh my fucking god.

I'm not even sure how I reacted, for all I know I could have immediately started screaming for the first ten seconds before my brain fully realised what was happening.

Of all the holy freaking things in the holy freaking world, what's going on right now, is what I thinks happening actually happening or did he dump snow onto me and my minds trying to get me away from the cold by putting pretty images in my head?

How could his lips be so cold, he's supposed to have a normal body temperature that's at least what I've gotten from the hugs he's given me when I've been shivering, or is my mouth just really warm?

Underneath me the snow that'd originally been cold as the arctic started to grow warm as all perceptions of the real world faded away into what can only be described as the greatest moment of my life.
This is coming from someone who got to see a My Chemical Romance concert from backstage.

Is Frank seriously kissing me right now, he can't be, this isn't right he's wasn't interested in me.
He's never shown an interest in me, well except for the time at the hotel when I stayed in his room, and the time where he called me cute when I was getting changed in Hot Topic, and when he... I'm a fucking idiot.

The only other thing he could have done to make it more obvious he was hitting on me would be to flat out admit it or make a move such as kissing me, which he was currently doing so yeah.

I'm horrible at socialising with the opposite sex and even worse when it comes to noticing signs from people that they're interested in me, it like I need a freakin translator to realise the bleeding obvious.

What am I supposed to do anyway, I've just gotten what I've wanted for ages. Frank Iero was kissing me, which was practically every second MCR fans dream.
What am I supposed to do?
I've never kissed anyone before, I haven't even gotten close to it. Where am I supposed to put my hands or my arms or my lips, what am I doing?
I'm spazzing out, deep breaths, deeps breaths, think calming thoughts.

My insides felt like they turned into liquid and everything in me was laughing hysterically as my body entered panic mode. Wondering what all this giddy feelings I was getting were, my stomach felt like it had its own personal heartbeat to compensate for my real one almost stopping from shock, wow, he knows what he's doing, is that good or bad?

Frankie's mouth moved away from mine and I realised just how cold the air was. I'm frickin freezing right now and the back of my shirt is feeling wet from laying in the snow for god knows how long, I, uh, what am I supposed to say now, 'thanks for the kiss and I'm gonna go scream into a pillow now.' What are words?

"You look absolutely adorable." He said, still kneeling over me but moving back enough that I'd actually be able to move.

Now with my mouth free to be used as I saw fit I punished the privilege by giggling like an idiot, not at his words or the grin on his face, not even by the fact I'd just been kissed by Frank Iero. I was giggling at everything, especially with my hands now free, I covered up my mouth and allowed myself to laugh.

While I was still giggling Frank grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head so once more I was unable to more. This is unfair he's taking advantage of the fact he's stronger than me and the grin on his face says enjoying it as well. I stuck my tongue out at him while he laughed, sometimes I doubted if I could ever be taken seriously by anyone, including myself.

His lips were pressed against mine once more and I smiled, on the inside and on the outside. This is one of the best feelings in the whole world, better than eating chocolate cake or whatever is the most enjoyable thing you can think of. The only thing that could make this moment better would be if the voice in the back of my head warning me about getting attached to people would shut up.

The minty smell of his breath I'd noticed when he was talking to me carried through with the kiss and it was now the only thing I could taste along with the strange flavour mixed in with it. It was almost unidentifiable but was strong enough for it to be impossible to miss, what's the word I'm thinking of, metal?

Was it blood I was tasting, maybe it's just what kissing a vampire tastes like. I don't particularly care anyways, I'm enjoying the moment and nothing else in the world is happening besides his lips on mine and the feeling of my heart bracing itself for the moment I realise I'm dreaming and I'm actually making out with a pillow.

I'm not one for being cold, pinned down, or lying in something cold but I know I could get used to this, not with anyone else but if it was only gonna be Frank then yeah, I could happily go on with my life and make out in the snow during regular intervals. I'd prefer it if he didn't fill my beanie with snow first though, being warm was a very appealing thought in the long run.

His tongue touched mine for a moment and I shrunk back slightly, the thought of having someone's else's tongue in my mouth had always freaked me out. I shouldn't judge so much though, I never thought I'd want to make out with someone in the snow yet here I was doing just that and enjoying it even if I would happily do the same thing inside, next to a heater perhaps.

In the end I decided what's the worst thing that could happen if I tried it so I went with one of my personal mottos 'just go with it' and then mixed it with a French line that once translated means 'whatever will be, will be' and there you go. A verbal concoction of how I ended up lying in the snow, in the middle of nowhere, french kissing Frank Iero, rhythm guitarist of the awesomest band in the whole world, My Chemical Romance.

"Fal's, open your eyes. I want to really see you." My eyes fluttered open and Frankie was looking at me.

His hazel eyes peering into mine and it took a second for my brain to realise everything it'd ignored before.

Frankie wasn't just my friend, he wasn't a guitar player and he wasn't in a band, he wasn't even a vampire.

He was the guy who could make me feel at home and safe for once, take away all my regrets and fill me the warmth that had abandoned me when I kneeled by my friends blood soaked bed.

God help me I think I'm in love.

Frank let go of my wrists and I was actually able to move around. With my hands now free I wrapped them around his neck and pulled him closer to me, feeling as if I was an inexperienced idiot, although it was my complete cluelessness he for some unknown reason seemed to like, there were times when I couldn't ever understand guys.

One of his hands went around my waist and I'll unwillingly say I made a sound in response that made me seem significantly less than normal, or less than human to be exact, which made me want to laugh more since he was the 'special' one in this scenario, even less than human. He wasn't alive and isn't it being alive that separated us from corpses, don't answer, it was a stupid question.

A shiver ran up my back and I wasn't sure whether it was from lying in the snow for possibly over half an hour or by my body being confused as to what temperature it was supposed to be, hot or cold, up or down, left of right. I had no fucking idea and I honestly didn't care about anything in the world except for this, I forgot about Blackford, Katelyn, Jules, the bridge, the hotel. Everything that ever troubled me was gone.

Somewhere while being caught up in that moment my mind registered the sound of footsteps.
The familiar sound of someone singing under their breath and then a gasp when they noticed what was going on, maybe not all my troubles.

Oh shit, I'm screwed, Frank's screwed, the rest of the band is screwed, the bus is screwed, the trees are screwed and the snow I'm laying on is screwed as well because I could recognise the sound of Gerard Way singing Drowning Lessons anywhere and in any state of mind.

What I thought was already going down the road for crappy got even worse when I heard what he said.

"Frankie! What the fuck do you think you're doing to my sister?!"

Your what now?

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