Chapter 15: Well its official. I look like a tomato

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After his life story, both Harry and i nodded once again, understanding. I had never experienced Louis drunk -obviously- so i didnt know what he was like, but obviously they had so, Liam didnt bother explaining anything. I glanced back up to Harry and back to Liam, observing them intently as i noticed they were just staring at each other for a brief moment as if they were communicating with their eyes.     

"So anyway," Liam continued, breaking the awkward silence "Who is this and how come shes here?" He questioned, quite chilled back. Not what i expected after what just happened, but hey, im not complaining.    

"This is Aria. Aria meet Liam, Liam meet Aria." I extended my hand out to Liam, but instead he hugged me. "And shes a friend of mine that needed help last night."     

"What kind of help?" Liam asked unsure. I gestured for Harry to explain, since i still wasnt comfortable just yet. After about 10 minutes of yet, another life story, Liam now understood.     

"Even though i dont know you, any friend of Harrys is a friend of mine." I could hear him smile through his words. Excuse me for a moment while i mentally fangirl.    


Okay, im done now....      

EEEEPPP !!    

  Okay, now im done. haha.  

He pulled away and just looked back at Harry, then me, then Harry again.

"shes actually a friend of Louis' as well. Wel actually she was Louis' friend first, i just stole her." He looked at me and winked, where as i -like usual- just rolled my eyes at him, while a smile took over my face. Liam rose both his eye brows in shock and slowly nodded his head, as if he was giving an approval?     

"O-Kay. How did you 3 meet then?" Liam asked.   Both Harry and I shared a quick glance before i spoke up, finally haha.  

  "Actually, I havent met Louis. This is the first time Ive met Harry. Weve been talking for a while now, over twitter and texting." I shrugged, kind of nervous. Liam shared no expression, what so ever. So im not totally sure if he is happy or?  

"Oh okay?"    

"Just ask Louis to explain it do you." Harry clarified.    

"Alright, erm...ill be right back in a second." And with that Liam headed out the door. Harry and I shared confused looks before shrugging and walking towards the kitchen. He opens the fridge and pulls out two cans of pepsi, offering me one. I take it gladly and take a decent gulp, Harry doing the same.     

"So how do you think he took it?"    

"Erm...i dont know? Alright i guess? I mean after we told him that its not what it looked like i turned the table around and made him answer the questions, he seemed alright. Sometimes he comes off a little rough around the edges like that, but he really is a massive softy at heart y'know?" I just nodded, understanding, taking yet another sip from my drink. I played with the rim of the can, trying to fill in the silence. I took a quick glimpse at Harry and noticed that he was already staring at me. I quickly looked back down towards my drink and spoke up, trying to ignore the awkwardness that i knew was about to take place - yet again.     

"So, why is it that you were scared of Liam?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched up his nose as if to say, 'what are you on about'. However im not as stupid as i look. "Before, when he barged in, you crapped your pants and looks completely scared of Liams reaction to what he saw, which by the way was nothing." I asked, along with clariffying that nothing happened. His face dropped abit.     

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