Liberation of a Demon

Start from the beginning

He turned around, expressionless.  I couldn’t see what he was doing but I could tell he was grabbing something.  When he faced me, Rald was holding a taser…

Well hell…



Blaze had been up there for what seemed like an eternity.  My first thought was that they had killed her but I pushed that thought out of my mind.  They hadn’t gotten what they wanted from her yet.  Henry was attempting to find a way out of his cell.  I don’t know why he was so adamant to get to a person he had never met but I wasn’t complaining.  At least I knew that he was on our side.

“Damn it!” Henry shouted, slamming something (again) into the door.

“No luck?” The question was more rhetorical than anything because I knew what the answer was going to be.

“No.” He sounded defeated but his voice was still edged with determination.  I didn’t know this guy well but I admired his fortitude.

At that moment, a scream, although short and weak, reached my ears.  It didn’t happen again and so I just figured I was going crazy.  Henry didn’t say anything either, which just fueled that thought even more.

I was about to say something else when I heard another scream.  This time, there was no mistaking it.  It had definitely been a scream.

“Elizabeth!” Henry shouted anxiously.  The screams became more frequent.  Now both Henry and I were shouting at the top of our lungs for her, trying to get her to respond to us, but her screaming was so loud that I think she drowned us out.

During one of the brief moments she stopped screaming at the top of her lungs, Henry shouted as loudly as he could.  She heard him and cried out his name.

After that, there was no more sound.  What had happened to her?  What had they been doing to her?  I was almost too scared to know.  Then the door banged open and footsteps were carefully going down the steps.

I heard whispering but I couldn’t make out what was being said.

“Blaze?!” Henry yelled fretfully.

“She can’t talk,” a masculine voice responded.

“What did you do to her, damn it?!  Tell me!” I roared.

“They tasered her.  I don’t know how she’s even still conscious.  She’s not responding to anything though,” the guy replied, sounding almost angry at the thought.

“Who are you?” Henry demanded.

“I’m Henri,” he replied.

“Damn, two Henry’s… this is confusing,” I muttered.

“That’s what Elizabeth said.  She’s mentioned you.  You’re Rald’s son,” Henry mentioned as her door opened.  I heard the bed creak as I assumed Elizabeth was being placed on it.

“Keep talking to her.  See if you can get her to talk.  I can’t stay down here or else they’ll get suspicious.  Hey, new guy, your name is Pixy right?”

“Yeah…” I replied.  There was no point in hiding it when everyone upstairs knew who I was.  Perks of being a ‘traitor’ to Belka.  Traitor my ass…

“How long?”

“How long what?”

“I know why you came to Anfang,” he said. “How long?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I grumbled in annoyance.

Henri was silent before saying, “She is stalling and she is running out of time.”

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