Chapter 7- His Fan Too

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     Sunday mornings... THAT MEANS PANCAKES!! Veronique always made special breakfasts on Sundays, today, she promised me pancakes. And that's the smell I woke up to. The scent spread through the house, finding it's way to my room. I inhaled and my eyes shot open. I was so excited, I nearly ran out in only a night gown, a very revealing one, I might add. I quickly threw on my bathrobe, and made my way downstairs. I jumped on the stool, where I usually sat, and waited. All of a sudden I heard laughing. I looked across the table to see all three of the Flower family, getting ready to sit. I just huffed and asked, "What? I like pancakes" Then another voice from the living room, said, "Yea, same" I turned my head and saw Jordan Staal standing there with a grin. I jumped up and ran to him, engulfing him in an Ella bear hug.

     He said, "Hey Ella" I asked, "Staalsy,when did you get here?" He just replied nonchalantly, "the team is playing the pens tomorrow, so I thought I'd stay here for a day" I smiled and let out a small, woohoo! Then I let go of him and made my way back to the table my phone went off, as I had gotten a text. It was from Sidney. It said,
Hey Ella, want to do something tonight?

     I replied,

     Then I quickly ate five pancakes, and replied,

I'll be ready by seven

     He replied,

Okay, I'll be there

     After that, I went upstairs to get dressed. I pulled on some black tights, a dark red skirt, a black shirt, a navy green jacket, and my brown, floral combat boots. Then I threw on a dark red beanie. Once I applied a small amount of makeup and brushed my hair and teeth, I walked downstairs. We all decided that we would take a trip to the Pittsburgh zoo together. Estelle was as excited as I was. I haven't been there since my father passed away. We all climbed into the car, Estelle sitting in between Jordan and I. We all sang to the radio on the way, very badly sang. We arrived and piled out of the car, and into the entrance. Marc immediately demanded that we go to his penguin first, so we all agreed. Once at the penguin exhibit, Marc began frantically looking for Fleury.

     Once found, he started cooing to the penguin and acting like a dork. Then we heard Jordan say, "Hey they kept Staal!" Sure enough, there was a penguin with a Staal name tag, that could probably care less about the grown man yelling at it. Veronique and I laughed about it, and Estelle was distracted by the Dupuis penguin who was trying so hard to be really friendly. We laughed again, and this time Marc and Jordan joined us. About a third of the way through, Sidney showed up, shocking Jordan and I. Marc just blatantly said, "I invited Sid as well" I rolled my eyes at his stupid attempt but we carried on anyway. Sidney and I were usually together, and at one point, I could here Jordan ask, "What's with those two?" To which Marc replied, "They like each other but neither of them care to admit it" he said the last part a little louder, to make it obvious, but Sidney and I both ignored him with eye rolls.

     Then Marc whispered something to Jordan and I caught the name, "Cinderella" I glared at Marc who just sheepishly grinned. Jordan's eyes widened and said, "Dang Ella, you sneaky peach" I raised an eyebrow at the silly name, but then just shrugged it off, turning back to the zebras. Sidney had asked if I wanted to split from our group and see the penguins again, so I shrugged and said, "Sure" I told the others I'd see them later and followed Sidney back to the penguins exhibit. Once we got there, Sidney asked to see his penguin. The staff kindly obliged and brought us to the back room, set up gates in the door ways, and brought in Crosby. The penguin went immediately to Sid, which was actually really cute. He pet the penguin, and gave it treats that the staff provided. Then he moved one hand towards me, causing the bird to follow.

     Crosby inspected me and eventually decided I was good enough, as it crawled onto my lap and snuggled into my torso. The staff and I both gave out little, 'Awwwww's and then we had to go. Sidney and I both thanked the staff and said goodbye to Crosby who let out a sad noise, that was adorable. We left and Sidney drove me back to the Fleury household. Before I got out of the car, Sidney said, "I'll see you at seven?" I nodded and asked, "What is the dresscode?" He shrugged and said, "Classy-casual?" I nodded and climbed out of the car. He said a small, "Bye Ella" with a grin. I waved goodbye and said, "See you later Sidney" Then I walked inside and was met with Jordan and Marc sitting on the couch with their arms and legs crossed, looking me directly in the eye.

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