Chapter 25: Date Number 1

Start from the beginning

"It is my duty to make the people around me fabulous my dear! Anyway, let me introduce myself- I am Francis Bonnefoy, a friend of the L/Ns," he smiled, bowing slightly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Bonnefoy," Sebastian greeted him, shortly shaking hands with the Frenchman."

"Likewise." Ciel said, also shaking his hand.

"Now that everyone formally knows one another..." Y/N begun, "Ciel, do we-"

"Come along Y/N, I've got it all planned!" Ciel said, a hint of a smile upon his lips, turning away as he began moving, "Sebastian, go make sure our section of the garden is in it's best shape whilst I accompany Lady Y/N."

"Yes milord."

Y/N hurried after Ciel, before calling to the two men who walked her to the gardens, "Arthur, Francis, I'll be back soon!"

Arthur, dropping his dim mood, raised a hand in goodbye to his mistress, as he smiled.

Francis blew a kiss and winked at Y/N, hinting who knows what to her, but all she did was chuckle quietly, although a great blush covered her face.

"Don't give her ideas you frog!" Arthur wacked him around the head, frowning once again.

"Ouch! You didn't have to hit me with such force, even a reaper feels pain you know!"

"A reaper hm?" Sebastian questioned, standing along side them all along, "a French one at that."

"Why yes, Francis Bonnefoy, Senior Grim Reaper of Souls at your service!" His voice chimed as he made a wild, proud gesture with his arms, "I can sense that you're quite a powerful demon- much more powerful than bushy-brows over here-"

"One more stupid word and I will kick you so hard you won't even remember why you're here." Arthur growled threateningly, picking him up by the collar.

"I'm just kidding... Geez," Francis shook his head, pointing a thumb at Arthur, "this 'gentleman' sure is polite, is he not?"

"You seem quite close," Sebastian concluded, beginning to walk away "I must attend the gardens now, I'll see you both later."


"Such a high profile restaurant!" Y/N exclaimed, clasping her hands together tightly as she gazed upon the building, dazed by the glimmering features, "and I can already smell the food from here!"

"It's one of the best restaurants in the country," Ciel claimed, nodding, "I want to make sure that you get the best there is Y/N."

"I feel like you're spoiling me Ciel..." She replied, feeling a little bad, as she followed Ciel, who seemed to be walking to a secluded, outdoor seating area, "oh dear god... You didn't reserve the table right next to the fountain and flowers... Did you?"

"Of course I did," Ciel said proudly, pulling a chair out for Y/N to sit in, "the best part, is the fact that I booked this all by myself, with absolutely no assistance from Sebastian!"

Y/N sat down, and couldn't help but grin at how proud he looked, at the fact that he had done this alone, "indeed, I really do feel spoilt, especially that the Lord Phantomhive prepared this all himself, just for my mere self!"

"You are anything but mere, you are precious to me."

"Really now Ciel?" Y/N smirked slightly, looking at the boy in a joking manner, "precious?"

"Y-yes." Ciel blushed violently, "I was trying to be romantic-"

Y/N wrapped her fingers around his own, pulling the taller boy down to her height, before briefly kissing his forehead sweetly, "Thank you Ciel, that means a lot to me you know."

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now