Goodbye Jason. For Now.

Start from the beginning

So the story was, His mother was dead a little after he was born, his father took care of him till he was found dead, one and a half years ago. He ran away from the orphanage and been living on the streets ever since.

"Alfred can you make some coffee?" I'd told fox I'd think about it.

"Of course sir" Alfred started to walk up the steps.

Shortly after I quietly got up from my chair and followed him, leaving Jason alone.

We didn't speak until we got to the kitchen.

Alfred poured the coffee while I grabbed a stool nearby.

"What are you going to do with that boy?" Alfred asked sternly. "Please tell me you are going to send him back to an orphanage!"

"Well...I don't know he ran away from the orphanage last time if we bring him there he'll run off the minute we leave." Alfred handed me the coffee as I glanced up at the clock. 11:34

"What then?" Alfred wiped the counter.

"I heard about this place." I sipped my coffee thoughtfully.

"Yes?" Alfred replied half sarcastically half inpatiently.

"It's a place for troubled teens, it's supposed to help them, give them a good home and all that."

"Sounds like a good place." Alfred sat on a stool next to me. "Shall I drop him off after lunch?" Alfred inquired hopefully.

I sighed "I guess so, him being here dangers my identity..."

"Very well then." Alfred got up and glanced at the clock.

"I think it would be best if a close friend dropped him off..." I trailed off hoping Alfred would let it go.

He didn't. "And who might this close friend be?" Alfred asked suspiciously.

"Well Bruce Wayne is interested in Charities and things like that..." I pre-winced

"Whatever you think is best." Alfred shook his head in disapproval. "lunch will be ready at noon." Alfred left to prepare Lunch.

I'd had enough of Alfred's disapproval for one day. I switched my thoughts to Jason.

I couldn't believe Willis's son was sitting in my cave. What were the chances?

I guess Willis stopped his drug dealing to take care of his son when his mother died.

I remember he had a drinking problem...or was it a drug abuse problem? I can't remember.

I drained what was left of my coffee and headed back down to the cave. I expected to see Jason sitting on the stool, but what I saw something I never would of expected.

Raven sat on her bed. It was definitely time to relax. After her mother had left she had cleaned up her room. Books were neatly stacked in her bookshelf, that Cyborg had given her. (It was in a Teen Titans comic, on Christmas Cyborg was Raven's secret Santa and got her a bookshelf)

Spilled sand was now cleaned up and put into a glass jar. Her bed was made and she even put her Laundry in the washer.

Raven used her powers to levitate some books over to her bed. She'd read later. For now she could use some meditation.

"Azerath..." Her mother had helped this time. She took her advice to heart.

"Metrion..." She could control it and still feel at the same time. She would work on feeling little by little till she was confident.

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