Chapter 8

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Monique's pov:
This week was okay, 4 guys asked me to homecoming and I said no to all of them. No one I like asked me. Oh well I guess I will go with Devin or Victoria. Even though I would want to go with someone else... I'm excited to just watch Netflix all night long.
10:14 pm
I have been getting snapchats from my stupid ass friend making double chins and lip signing to dumb songs. She's a dork.
11:36 pm
12:23 pm
I'm over it. I'm going to FaceTime someone.
12:31 pm
No one answered.
1:04 am
Friday's are nice
Why aren't I rich.
What is the meaning of life?
I should watch a movie
I'm going to the park today, nothing better to do, my mom is working and my friends are busy so. The walk to the park is nice. I brought water headphones, a blanket and food.
I'm content. I start to text Devin and Rosalie. Rosalie doesn't answer like always. Devin does, and we talk for a while but then I want to go back home. I pack up my stuff and go home. I think I'm seeing mocking jay soon. When I get back I have to do chores. But it's ok I have music. Then I get a text, asking me if I want to go to homecoming.

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