Chapter 2

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I open my eyes and stretch.
I can tell its morning and can also tell I'm the only one awake.
(like always).

I get up and go outside, observing the damage from last night.
I walk closer to the main area of camp and see Rick.
"good Morning" he greets me
"morning" I reply.

I start cleaning up.
standing up knocked over chairs.
repairing tents.
fixing the clothes line.
and anything else I see.

"we can start moving bodies when more people are awake to help" Rick says.
I nod and grab a shovel, heading over to the grassy hill area to start digging graves for our own that have passed.

I stick the shovel into the ground making a small divot, turning up the dirt and throwing it to the side.

I continue doing that for a while and eventually finish one grave and move over to start another one when I hear people approaching.
it's Daryl and Glenn.

"we just wanted to see what you were doing" Glenn said
I gesture to the grave, not needing to say more.
Glenn nods.
Just as he starts to say something  Rick back at camp calls him over.

He excuses himself and leaves.

"need any help" Daryl asks
"no, they probably need you back at camp, I got this" I reply

he chuckles and grabs the shovel from me.

he starts digging and I slump down against a rock.

"so" he starts jamming the shovel into the ground.
"you tired?" he asks
I glare at him and he chuckles.

I get up grabbing the shovel back.

"go back to camp, they need you" I say forcefully this time.
"okay, okay" he says

I end up digging two more graves  and am starting on another when Carol comes over to me.

"cmon we need you" she say gesturing with her head for me to follow.
I leave the shovel and head back to camp.

"we're cleaning up the bodies" Rick informs me.
"walkers in the fire, people over there" Glenn says pointing over by the RV.
"got it" I say.

I see Jacqui bending down to grab a body and Jim follows.
"what happened?" she asks him spotting blood on his shirt.
"it's just from dragging the bodies" he replies calmly.
"that's fresh blood" she adds
"I was scratched during the attack" he changes his story.
"we're you bit?" she whispered
"don't tell anybody" he says.

"a walker got him!" she shouts and everyone comes running.

"show it to us" Daryl says.
Jim turns around and grabs a shovel raising it.

T-dog runs around behind Jim holding his arms back as Daryl lifts up Jims shirt revealing the bite.
"I'm okay" Jim says
"I'm okay, I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay" he repeats.

We're standing around trying to decide what to do about Jim.
"I say we just put a bullet to him, and the dead girl over there"

Daryl is referencing Amy, Andreas sister who was bit last night. Andrea hasn't left her side since then.

"we can't put him down like he's a rabid dog or something" Rick growls.

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