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"You'll what?" Asks an angry Chris from behind me. He wants to sound scary but I'm not buying it.

"I'll kill her." I say without even blinking an eye. Chris growls but Casey shots him a look. I turn my attention back to Casey.

"Listen bitch you have fifteen seconds to leave. Or else." I say and step aside so she can leave. Chris grabs my arm and yanks me to him. I wince in pain but stand tall. I will not be on the same room as this jerk that is my sister.

"Don't talk to my mate like that." He growls I rip my arm from his grip and look him dead in the eyes. This a huge sign of disrespect that could get me killed but I don't care anymore.

"Kill me." I whisper like a challenge. Chris is about to attack me when Casey steps in and calms her mate. She whispers something to him and he relaxes. Casey gets Chris to leave and it's just us.

"Lily please hear me out." Casey begs. I almost laugh at her pleas.

"I want you to leave. You have no business here. After what you did I never want to see you again. You are no sister of mine. You can tell Nick he's not welcome either." I spit and Casey leaves. Once she's gone I lock the door and scream into a pillow. I kick and thrash until I'm even more pissed.

I run outside and into the woods shifting along the way. I haven't been in my wolf form in almost a week. My wolf runs and runs. This is the fastest we've gone in a while. After almost five hours of running we are back at the pack house and I'm exhausted and angry. I shower and change into a nice outfit and head to a bar in town.

It's only eight when I get to the bar so it's not to busy. I get busy drinking though. It takes a lot for a wolf to get drunk so I knock a few back. Once I'm really drunk I realize I can't even walk and call Emma. Shes mad she couldn't come but she's pregnant and I don't want to see her. I wouldn't have called her if I isn't need to.

She helps me to the car because I'm a stumbling mess. Drinking didn't help with my anger. I'm pissed and drunk. And tired. A horrible cocktail. Emma puts me in my room but I quickly go to Theo's room. He's awake and writing something down. I stumble in and Theo looks so surprised.

"Lily what are you..." Theo asks but I cut him off.

"No I need answers!" I slur. Before Theo can respond I start rambling.

"You need to tell me right now why we couldn't be mates. What is so wrong with me?" I yell. I'm already coming down from the alcohol and regretting my decision.

"Nothing! Damn it there's nothing's wrong with you!" Theo yells. My mouth drops in confusion.

"Then what is it?" I ask.

"If someone found out your my mate they'd want to hurt you and I can't have that happen." Theo says with anger and sadness in his eyes. He wants me! I lean forward and kiss him passionately. At first he's surprised and then he kisses back.

I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. Theo walks over to his bed and lays me down and gets on top of me. Theo starts kissing down my neck to where he'd mark me then pulls away suddenly.

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting up a little resting on my elbows.

"I'm not marking you when your drunk." Theo explains. I smile at this cute gesture. Though being a wolf I'm practically sober by now.

"Okay well I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow." I say with hesitation looking for any sign of regret from Theo. I didn't see any. He kisses the top of my head and I leave for my room.

I lay on my bed and think about the day. Kissing Theo made me happy but I feel bad because this time a week ago I was kissing Jason and because I was close to Jason he died. Would Jason be mad at me for moving on so quickly? Should I even care? We dated for three weeks. God I wish Emma wasn't so busy with her mate so I could talk to her. Or Carter he's not good with girl talk but still. Maybe him and Logan can meet me in town for coffee.

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