"Hello everyone, my name is Nate King and I am the CEO of a chain business called King enterprises (A/N: I made that up don't know if it exists). I am here to talk to you about what CEO's such as myself look for in a PA. Let's start with questions first, does anyone have any questions?" He starts and a couple drooling girls hands go up. I notice Mr King flinch a little, probably aware of the sorts of questions they will ask.

"Yes, in the front?" He asks.

"Are you single?" She asks and he sighs. I watch the teacher in the corner groan at the question and I smirk.

"Not questions about my personal life." Mr King replies.

"But you said questions." She states and he sighs again.

I decide to be nice and free him from the awkward conversation. He looks up at where I'm sat and seems to relax slightly.

"Yes, Miss ..." He starts.

"Woods, sir." I say and he nods.

"Yes, Miss Woods?" He asks.

"When you are looking for a PA do you look at their personality when employing them or just their qualifications?" I ask and he straightens up.

"Very good question, Miss Woods. I personally do look at the persons personality and most CEO's will because we have to work with that person and if we have a clash in personality then work may not run as smoothly. Qualifications are important but how one presents themselves is also important when you are dealing with people." He answers.

"Thank you, sir." I reply and he nods.

After that he goes on about the kinds of things CEO's look at, how you should look, basic things you do, etc. It was reasonably interesting but I knew all this anyway. I wrote down notes on some things but apart from that I watched as he spoke and held himself with such confidence while talking about things to do with his job.

The bell rings and we are all told to leave so I stand up and grab my things.

"Miss Woods, could I please speak to you?" Mr King asks and I nod before making my way over to him. My teacher for this class stood beside Mr King but I was not intimidated by either of them.

"How may I help?" I ask politely.

"I would firstly like to say thank you for saving me at the start of the lesson." He states and I nod with a smile.

"I could see you were uncomfortable with the question plus I'm here to learn about how to be the best at my job not your personal life, no offence." I reply and he nods.

"None taken. That is also what I wanted to talk to you about, you are clearly very dedicated to this career and what revolves around it. I must say you look very young though." He says and I nod.

"I'm 21, sir. I finished high school with extremely good grades and I knew what I wanted to do so I started without hesitation." I reply and minor shock crosses his face.

"Miss Woods is the best student in the college. She has been taking extra classes since she started and been doing minor work experience throughout this year. This was actually her last class, she graduates next week because she has finished early." My teacher explains and Mr King looks impressed.

"A career is not something I choose to muck around on so I pushed myself to do my best and do as much as I could, it just so happened that now I graduate early." I comments and Mr King nods.

"Well, I am currently looking for a new PA so I would be happy to give you the job if you wanted it." Mr King states and I smile.

"That would be great, thank you, sir." I reply and he smiles back at me.

He turns to my teacher and says, "Ring me for the date and time of Miss Woods graduation and I will make sure I'm here." 

He turns back to me and nods, "I will see you for your graduation, Miss Woods."

"I look forward to it, sir. Is that all you needed me for?" I ask politely.

"Do you have somewhere to be?" He ask with a raised eyebrow.

"My ride will be here and he has a job to do I would hate to keep him waiting." I answer and right at that moment there is a knock on the door.

I turn around to see Max standing on the other side of the door. I wave for him to come in and he opens the door before coming in, in his full police uniform.

"I'm sorry, Becky but there's been a call out, I need to go because Andy has disappeared on us." Mac says and I wave him off.

"You go, Max, your job is being a policeman not a chauffeur." I reply and he thanks me before leaving again.

"Why do you have a policeman picking you up?" Mr King asks, raising his eyebrow.

"My dad is a policeman so he sends someone to drive me to and from school, he's a little over protective." I answer.

"Head officer Jace Woods?" He asks, sounding impressed.

"Yes, sir." I answer with a smile.

"Well, I must be going but it was lovely meeting you, Miss Woods, I'll see you in a week." He states and I nod before watching him leave.

"You've done well to land him as a boss, Becky. I'm proud of you." My teacher says and I smile.

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate it." I reply and he smiles before shooing me out of the classroom.

I walk out of the class and out to the courtyard. I take a seat under the tree before getting out my reading book from my bag. 

I sit for about half an hour reading my book before someone taps my shoulder. I look up and see Nick smiling down at me.

"Hey Nick, what are you doing here?" I ask while putting my book away.

"I came to pick you up because I'm a great friend." He replies and I laugh before standing up.

"How's Sarah?" I ask as we walk to his car.

"She's struggling a little bit. She's so small and now she's pregnant with my baby, I'm not small so I can imagine the baby won't be either." He answer with a sad look on his face.

"She'll be fine, Nick. I could come see her." I reply and he smiles sadly.

"She's kinda grumpy at the moment." He states.

"Well I have good news so maybe that will cheer her up." I reply and he smiles happily.

"You are the best." He says and I giggle.

"Of course I am." I reply flipping my ponytail making him chuckle.

"Just being around you makes things better." He comments and I smile.

"I'm glad I can help." I reply and he smiles before unlocking his car. We both hop in and he drives off to the pack house.

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