Chapter 27

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"Becky!" I hear Monica's voice exclaim happily.

I look up from my desk and smile before standing up. Monica pulls me into a huge hug and I secretly smirk. Monica and Nate did the dirty on their holiday.

"Monica, I'm just going to ask Peter some questions." Nate says as Monica and I pull back from our hug.

"No need, sir. Peter is currently out on his lunch break." I state and Nate smiles.

"Give me a hug before we get all professional." He says and I smile before stepping forward and hugging him.

We pull back and I smile at the two, "How was your holiday?"

"It was amazing." Nate answers and Monica blushes but nods in agreement.

I wink at them before sitting back down on my seat, "Well, you've got things to catch up on, personal and business. I'll let you sort business tomorrow but personal can be sorted as soon as Peter gets back." I say.

The office phone rings and I quickly pick it up, "Becky Woods speaking."

"I won't be coming back to the office, I hope that's ok." Peter says.

"Your brother is back." I state.

"Can you tell him for me?" Peter asks.

"Alright but make sure you are here on time tomorrow. I'll skin Grey alive if you're late again." I answer.

"You wouldn't dare." Peter challenges and I laugh.

"Just ask Grey." I state.

"I will, goodbye and thank you." He says.

"Goodbye Peter." I reply before hanging up the phone.

"Has Peter been coming in late?" Nate asks.

"Coming in late, leaving early, not coming in at all." I answer and Nate frowns.

"Has all the work been getting done?" He asks and I nod.

"I have been staying two hours later than normal to make sure everything is in order." I answer and Monica's jaw drops while Nate's eyes widen.

"Everyday for the past two months?" Nate asks and I nod.

"Yea, I thought things would get easier after he got into the swing of things but I ended up doing shit loads of overtime to keep on top of everything. Liam has to come in everyday and force me to stop working to eat lunch because otherwise I would push through the hunger until I got home then collapse then come to work the next day. I am super efficient now though so no problems." I answer and Nate frowns.

"Do you know why Peter hasn't been coming to work?" He asks.

"Yes. He got a boyfriend and they spend a lot of time together." I answer.

"Peter's gay?" Monica asks.

"Yes, since two months ago when he met Grey." I answer. I see the happiness in Nate's eyes but I see it being crushed by the anger of me working to keep the company a float.

The elevator dings and Liam's scent fills my senses. Liam walks into the room with a look of thunder and Monica moves closer to Nate.

"Have you eaten today?" Liam asks me.

"No, I didn't have time." I answer, looking down.

"This is bullshit! I will not have you working like this, it's unhealthy!" Liam yells and I look up before going over and taking his hand. He calms down a little bit but he's still angry.

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