Chapter 10: That Stupid Duo ✔️

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xx A/N- Hello! I will be making a surprise entrance in this chapter. I'm a figment of Stephanie's imagination. So, Max can't see me. Only Stephanie can. I help her with stuff like getting James back. No one else can see me, only Stephanie. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!! :) Song up there is I want to write you a song, by One Direction. The YouTuber is Nuetful. He's this awesome guy who makes slow ballad covers. Listen while reading! Dedicating to people who VOTE and COMMENT.

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Stephanie: Help me please Epic! My hands are shaking. Can you stop them please?

Epic: Of course! What can I help you with? I'm always here to help. :)

Stephanie: Well, it's just that, my boyfriend, James, is hypnotized believing that he and Emma are together. I-it just makes me feel sad.

Epic: It's okay to feel sad once in a while. Not everyone can always be happy.

Stephanie: I guess you're right. Again. Thanks Epic. I really needed that. :)

Epic: Alright. Now to get your boyfriend back.

Stephanie: Yeah! Let's go! Uh, you comin Max?

Max: Yeah, yeah. Just wondering who you were talking to..

Stephanie: Just my friend.

Max: Uh, but there's no one there.

Stephanie: I know. It's a figment of my imagination, that's why.

Max: Okay. Let's get James back. :))

Stephanie: Okay! Let's go Max! Let's go Epic!

Max: Who's Epic?

Stephanie: I told you already! My friend!

Max: Ooh. Okay. We already wasted enough time. Let's get James back!

Epic: Hey, Stephanie?

Stephanie: Yes Epic?

Epic: Your friend is weird. O.o

Stephanie: Yeah, I know. But that's why he's my friend. All my friends are weird. :)

Epic: Does that mean I'm also weird?

Stephanie: Pretty much. Lol.

Epic: Okay. Just checking. :P

Max: Okay. On the count of three, we charge out.

Stephanie: Okay.

Epic: THREE!

Stephanie: Wait up Epic!

Max: Omg. Okay, whatever. CHARGE!

Stephanie: Aye aye.

Epic: *Knocks down door*

Stephanie: Bruh. O.o Never going to get you mad...

Emma and James:
James: Emma, I hear something from the other side.


James: Look! It's a dell!


James: I'm pointing at the computer Dell. LOL!

Emma: Bruh. I can outpun you.

James: Try me.

Emma: Why did the chicken cross the road? TO GET TO THE OTHER SIDE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!

James: ..


James. That wasn't even funny..

Emma: Oh.

James: T.T

Emma: I'm still the better pun master.

James: First of all; that wasn't a pun. Second of all; Do you even know what a pun is? -_-

Emma: Guess not. But, I don't need puns. I'm pretty enough. ;)

James: Ew. Why did I even fall in love with you in the first place?

Emma: Psht. Cause I'm PRETTY. And not because I gave you flowers that would hypnotize you into liking me..

James: Okay!

Emma: Phew. Good thing he's stupid and deaf.

James: Come again?

Emma: U-uh.. N-nothing..

James: Okay.

Epic, Stephanie, and Max:
Stephanie: Ughhh.. I give up.. I don't even know where they are. I might as well die. :(

Epic: Don't give up! I know we can do this! :)

Stephanie: Okay. But I  better get James back by the end of this. :/

Epic: Don't worry. You will. :)

Max: Okay. New plan. Punch Emily and kidnap James!

Stephanie: But where will we put him?

Max: In this bag! Duh!

Stephanie: Where did you get that huge bag?

Max: Uh. Kidnapping people is a hobby??

Stephanie: ..

Epic: What a creep.

Stephanie: I know right..

Max: Pardon?

Stephanie: Nothing! Nothing at all. :p

Max: Okay.. 3.. 2... 1.. GO!

Stephanie: *Punches Emily*

Max: *Kidnaps James*

Epic: Weirdos.


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xx A/N- End of chapter. Anywho.. Hey all! My sister Sercynal edited this today. :P So.. We made it to more than 7 votes.. But, we still don't have 7 comments! So, comment as much as you can and I'll post the next chapter after 7 comments are up. I already finished writing the second chapter, my sister already edited, so.. GET COMMENTING PEOPLE!! Btw if you want to add me on ROBLOX, my username is AlixiaAwesome. Bye! xx :)

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