chapter 10: date night 2

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Picture of Jessica

Jakes POV

Tonight I'm going out with josh in ex boyfriend. I'm scared,existed, happy, and did I say I'm scared as fuck!!??!

I hear the door bell ring as thought it was snapping me out of my dream and into reality. *sigh* reality suck but oh well could be worse....I guess.

I fix my hair in the mirror making sure I look sickening baby!!! I open the door to see the boy that always knew how to win me over,Every time.

I smile while blushing a bit "hey jakey you look adorable to night. I'm going to take you somewhere special. Because your my special person." He Saids taking my hand and causing me to blush like mad

This is bad....very....very bad, I can feel my heart squeeze when I'm with this boy. He's meant to be the one I hate but I can't help but falling in love with him. 

He takes me to this beautiful tree house in the middle of nowhere.

What is it with people these days and taking me out and then planing my death!?! I mean why would they take me to the middle of nowhere unless they were planing my doom!!???! Well that's nice take your date out and the kill them when the have their back turned!!! Whale...........could be worse

"Its beautiful joshy" I say then quickly regret it

When I was dating josh I would call I'm joshy cause..we'll......he was mine.

He smiles kindly at me "not nearly as beautiful as you are Jakey" he Saids kissing my hand. Making my stomach turn with butterfly's.

This is bad......I'm fall........and fast....I'm going to get hurt......but I font care...  I love the idiot.

We sit and talk for hour on end with myself in his chest and our finger in  in twine with each other.

Next day at schools

"Lizzy!!! Jess!!!" I shout as I walk down the hall way and see them holding hand

I knew they where going to get together!! *clicks his finger* fuck yeah bitchs

"Hey love birds!!" I say with that knowing smile

"Hey Sammy!! And thanking for noticing!! But not the point how was your dates!!!" Saids jess

Wow a Yuri fan as well as a yaoi fan maybe and yes I've learnt the way of yaoi. Sadly they was right I'm always the uke!!! Even when I was with girls I was the uke!!! Well fuck my life!!!

"I like jack but I love josh" I say speaking my mind without think and soon regretting

Did I just say what I think i did!?!!

"Ooooooohhh" Saids some girl behind me that are cheer larders "hey Sammy I just wanted to say since your going to be dating jack you should join us at lunch!! Also jess and lizzy can come too!!!" They say as they leave

"I agree with then you should go out with jack. Cause you know what they say about cheats!!! Once a cheat always a cheat and never to be trusted again!!" Saids jess and lizzy at the same time

"Hey jakey!!" Saids jack and josh at the same time

Fuck jack looks so damn fine!!! Totally drooling worthy!!! Wait fuck I've got to piece one!!! I don't know how may times I've said this but fuck fuck fuckad fuck!!! Why is life such a bitch???!!!???? Why!?! This isn't fucking fair!?!

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