chapter 5

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Jakes POV

"Mum I'm home!!!" I say falling on to the couch. My mother runs into the living room " so how was school did something happen today!!??" She said she ships me and jack together.

"Kinda" I say with my face in a pillow
"So what happened!!?? Did you and jack get together yet!!!???" She saids
Existed "no mum I have a boyfriend called conor and he's really cool!! But I have 2 other boys after me and ....AHR!!! So much drama you won't belive it!!" I say now sitting up

"Honey let's dance to some Britney Spears and have some fun" my mother saids putting on toxic and we start to dance and laugh until *ding dong!!!*  this better be fucking go cause I was enjoying my self

The song criminal comes on "hel- oh hey conor!!" I say as my mother runs to the door hearing my boyfriends name

"So your mister conor!!??" My mother saids behind me "AH!! Mother you scared me!!" I say with my hand oh mg chest

"Yep that's me I'm jakes boyfriend!!"
He saids proudly. Oh dear lord please shut up my sexy boyfriend right now
"How about you come in conor and you can stay for dinner if you'd like too!!" She said happly . that woman has a plan up her sleeve I just know it.

"I'd love to Mr.Sam !!!" Saids conor
Oh conor what do you have a death wish!!!??

"Great!!! Ok you two ill be getting dinner ready while you two do your thing!! Just don't have sex in the house while I'm here!!" She said as she walks to the kitchen

Mama sammys POV

Ok I don't like that conor boy he gives me this vib that tells me he's bad news!!! My mama bear settings are on red alert with this boy!!

I'm going to find out every little thing about this conor boy!! I know I'll call

I walk to the phone and call my old high school girlfriend "hi this is the Hidey residence!! Who is this??" Saids my ems little girl Jessica

"Jess its me honeybun could you get your mum for me?" I say

"Yep just a moment" she saids.
I'm calling em cause she can find out anything about a person within 10 minutes max!!!

"Hey ash!! What's do you need!??" She saids very happy. I hope she doesn't think I want to hock up with her cause of so this could get very awkward very quickly.

"Hey em!! I wanted to ask you want you know about a boy called conor he's in the same year as my Sammy and your jess??" I say

"Ok I'll ask jess if she knows his last name" few minutes latter

"Ok I found out that this so called conor is called conor zulch. He comes from a normal family. He has perfect grades and is great at sports too!! This boy seems perfect but there's something here witch is shocking the boy last year tried to-"


Cliffhanger!!! Until next time

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