"What have you done to her?!" Raven angrily yelled at four Red eyes.

"I have done nothing. When I arrived, she fled to somewhere I don't have any power. That is not many places. One of them, is Earth. But." He paused.

"I have all my power here! And coming here was the mistake of your life, and it will cost you yours." He said vengefully.

"No!" Raven started to back away. She had to get back to earth. "Leave me alone!"

He started to laugh evilly as he set loose an army of fire soldiers to go after her.

She ran for her life. Shielding her self, she sprinted toward the exit. The fire soldiers banged against her shield. She was almost there. The shield grew weaker as the soldiers pounded against it. The shield broke. She could see the portal. Fire grabbed at her. One soldier caught her leg, and started to pull her back. "No!"

"Stop this madness!" Voice rang out. The soldiers disappeared. Raven fell to the ground.

Raven looked up to see the one she had been looking for. "Mo-"

"Come on." She interrupted. "We have to go. It isn't safe here any longer."

Taking her hand they fled through the portal.


I finally found his parents. "Oh my..." I was startled at what I was looking at.

Willis and Catherine Todd.

Willis Todd found dead.

Catherine Todd unknown.

Willis Todd? I couldn't believe it. Why didn't I recognize his last name before?

That little boy upstairs was the son of a long time enemy of mine. And a good friend. It was time to figure out just what had happened to Jason.

What did Willis die of? It didn't say. But I can hack into the governments records.

I think I got it.

Willis Todd. Dead. Cause of death.

Beaten to death.

"..." I couldn't say anything. But what about his mother?

It says she hasn't been seen in 12 years. It doesn't say anything about a son. The boy could of been lying. But he was about 12 years old. And the resemblance to his father seemed about right. His mother didn't look anything like him. I guess that happens sometimes...

I should go ask him some questions. He should be waking up by now.

I waltzed upstairs. It felt weird that he only knew me by that I was Batman. I would have to keep him a few more days, for questioning.

I opened his door. He was sprawled out on the bed fast asleep. Maybe I'm a little early...

"He just fell asleep." Alfred spoke up behind me. "You haven't been working long."

I looked at him. "What time is it?"

"3:30 am." Alfred checked his watch.

"You should get some sleep. Gothom has been quite peaceful tonight." Alfred suggested.

Ignoring his suggestion I spoke. "His father is Willis Todd."

"You mean?"

"Yeah. He's dead now though." I sighed. Maybe I should rest for a little while...

"I'm not surprised." Alfred tsked

I shrugged and made my way over to my bedroom.


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