"Let me see." Dinah insisted, trying to look inside but Lauren closed quickly.

"I'm not going to do anything!" I hissed.

"Do what?" Dinah asked impatiently.

"Relax, you will see." she giggled at her. "And help, of course. But not now. Put in your locker and I will pick up later." Lauren handed the bag to Dinah and she, without question, put into her locker.

Dinah's crazy? What if someone get her with this? I'm sure she won't have an excuse that will prevent her from being expelled.

"Babe, just relax." Lauren smiled, taking my hand. "Come on, time to go to the class and be the adorable nerd you are."

"You're insane. And I'm not a nerd! I'm just trying to survive high school." I shook my head. I intertwined our fingers, squeezing gently.

"And this is so wrong, whatever is the idiocy that you plan to do."

"Mila, don't spoil the fun. Just enjoy the moment."

"Oh yeah, I'm going to enjoy very well the moment before we get kicked out, for sure!" I told her angrily, looking around to see if anyone had paid attention to us.

"Only if you and your big mouth tell on us." Dinah gave me a look before moving on our front and entered the classroom.

It was unbelievable how Dinah just accept anything that Lauren propose. It was not a surprise though.

Lauren stopped at the door and pulled me by the hand, still with a big smile on her lips. "Don't worry. Okay?"

"How? You're running my good girl image here, which I must warn you that my mother takes very seriously. She will not like when I get expelled."

"Good girl image?" Lauren mocked me, chuckling but then shut up when I pressed her hand firmly. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

"I know, but-" I sighed, it sucks to have to admit that sometimes. "Ugh, I hate you."

Lauren laughed playfully and joined our lips gently.

"I love you, see you after the third period." she winked at me before walking away without giving me the chance to complain about it.

I watched her disappear down the hallway before I go to the classroom. I started panicking even before it happened and Dinah was about to lose patience with me.

I definitely would ruin everything.


We had just arrived in the cafeteria after the third period in hopes that Lauren was already there, but the whole school seemed to be in that place but her.

"Lauren said she's coming. She had to hide." Dinah caught my attention and I saw that she was on the phone.

"Hide why?"

"She almost got caught, but she said she managed to make a fool from the supervisor and fled." Dinah smiled proudly and then gave me a look when I stared her. "What? She is my inspiration now."

"What about Beyoncé?" I teased and raised an eyebrow.

"That's another really important thing, do you really want me to explain?" Dinah challenged me and I waved my hand quickly.

"Oh God, no."

She was talking about Beyoncé and her birthday nonstop these days and it was getting tiring. It wasn't so close to happen, but she already have big plans.

"Lauren says we should sit and be seen here, will be our alibi." Dinah said after reading the text. "Looks like you're dating Tom Cruise, how great is that?"

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