[03] A Living Hell

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Upon entering the main part of the palace I was bombarded by demons of all kinds. They loved the aura that all Fallen carried. It was like a drug to them. They knew who we were and loved us.

A small spindly goblin-like demon with wings like a bat, flew up and perched itself on my shoulder and nuzzled into my neck as it made cackling noises deep within its belly. Others of its kind flew up into my long black hair.

Other demon creatures walked between my legs as I did, but made sure that they did not trip me. I continued along surrounded by these demons until I got to the long main corridor that went to each end of the palace and the room that Lucifer has claimed is the very center of Hell.

I gently shooed them all away, and they begrudgingly left. I watched for a moment as they all dispersed, hobbling along as if their joints were broken or they were just born so disfigured.

The sound of their clawed and hoofed feet slowly died out until it was silent inside again except for the quiet and distant screams of agony.

Throwing open the two large double doors, I entered the room.

It was easy to believe that this was the center of Hell is it looked like a cave stomach and if you listened closely enough, it sounded like you were in Hells' belly and you could feel it breathe...

Inside the room, Lucifer was already seated in his stone throne that he had gotten demons to carve out for him. There were three angel whores who stood behind him, touching his shoulders and arms affectionately.

Beside him was Asmodeus. He of course, had a hellhound at his side, it's red eyes glared at all times and it had no fur, which clearly showed how some of its skin was decaying. When it noticed that I had entered the room, it's lips quivered and it growled slightly, showing its long razor sharp teeth.

It was then that Asmodeus and Lucifer saw me. The doors closed shut loudly, making an echo sound through the high ceilinged room.

Lucifer instantly rose to his feet, "Shut that insolent beast up!" he demanded of Asmodeus, who did so immediately by patting the hounds head.

Glancing around quickly, I saw that there were some other Fallen in the room as well, sitting in less ornate stone chairs in a circle around a large black stone that had red swirls and angelic scripture written upon it in our native tongue of Enochian. I also saw that there were still two chairs empty. Both were to the right of Lucifer. One for my father and the other was for me.

The Lord of Hell stood in front of me now, "I was summoned?" I stated in question, not bothered by the look of lust that always filled his eyes when he looked at me.

Taking my hand and placing a kiss upon it, Lucifer smiled, showing his pointed teeth and red and black eyes, "Yes, we have some important news to discuss."

Glancing past him, I could see that Asmodeus was suddenly very frustrated at his lord. He hated when Lucifer was so opening affectionate around me.

I nodded at Lucifer and let him lead me back to my seat. I found it strange and disgusting that my father's closest friend would have such feelings towards me. It is well known by all Fallen that he wishes to take me as his mate.

I suppose it is a great honor to be so well favored and wanted by the Devil himself, but I do not like his man-whorish ways of being. As well, he always has his whores around and the fact that he no longer normally looks like an angel is not something that I want to have to put up with.

Plus, he is centuries older than I.

"Where is Azrael!" he bellowed loudly with anger and smashed his fists on the center rock, "If that damned angel were not so loyal to me over all these years, I would have him sent down to be tortured by the Haedus demons!"

Angel's Weren't Meant To Be Slaves. Welcome To Hell, Master. *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora