A fantasy and realities

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"Wait here." Alfred left the room. Jason needed new clothes that was for sure. Maybe Richard's old clothes would fit him...

Jason stood alone in the guest room. He looked around. He felt very small in the large room.

The bed was huge. Expensive paintings covered the walls. A vase and a empty picture frame stood on the empty dresser.

There was a desk on the side of the room. Next to it was closet. On the other side of the room was a bathroom. Jason peeked inside. It looked like an expensive hotel Bathroom. A large tub, a clear glass shower, a sink, with a dental kit, soap, Shampoo and conditioner, a razor, hair gel, towels, and a comb sitting on it. And a toilet in the corner of course.

"If you want to take care of business," Alfred silently walked up behind him surprising him. "You are most welcome to."

"Ohh, yeah..sure." Jason replied startled.

Handing him the clothes and pushing him all the way In, Alfred gestured to the shower. "I suggest, you take a shower." Closing the door Alfred left him to do his business. Meanwhile he prepared some food for him.

"Wow..." He awed. It had been some time since he had taken a real shower. Grabbing the soap and Shampoo and conditioner, he turned the shower the hottest it would go, and basked in the warm water.

About half an hour later, he got out of the shower, feeling refreshed he pulled on his new clothes and Combed his hair.

Stepping outside of the guest room, he smelled something heavenly in the air. Following his nose, he ended up In the kitchen just in time to see Alfred set a plate of fresh Pancakes on the table.

Nodding Alfred pushed the plate over to him as Jason sat down. Wolfing them down, Jason looked up for more. Almost laughing, he poured him some orange juice and gave him a second plate of Pancakes.

Leaving Jason to eat, Alfred left for the Batcave for an explanation.


"I doubt it." I said in monotone to Flash.

"I could do it right now, and be back at the watchtower in 3 seconds." Flash bragged.

"And deliver it back to the Batcave?"

"Um, Yeah!"

"Prove it." I never changed my tone.

3 seconds later...

"Ha! I told you I could do it!" Flash smiled proudly.

I turned around to see the Batmoblie siting behind me, with the wheels back on.

"Of course you did it. Thanks for fixing my car." I said normally.

"Wait, what?!"

I ended it immediately, as Alfred walked up behind me.

"Yes?" I sensed his foot steps.

"The Boy." Alfred asked.

I sighed. I decided not to tell him the whole version. "His parents are dead." I stated.

"Okay, and?" Alfred prodded.

"He'll go to the orphanage tomorrow." I promised.

Not sure what Alfred thought, I could tell he knew I didn't tell him everything.

Raising an eyebrow, Alfred shook his head. "Whatever you think is best."

"He's probably done eating, what shall I do with him now?"

"Ask him if he wants to sleep." I paused. I wonder what happened to his parents... "If he doesn't, bring him back down, don't let him know I'm Bruce Wayne."

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