Coming Face To Face. •7•

Start from the beginning

I was being awakened.

"Who dares disturb the dragon?" I mumbled.

I heard a giggle and cracked one eye open to see Conner stand above me.

"Come on, the dragon must get off the floor and go home." He said, smiling.

I rolled over onto my back and opened the other eye. "Why am I on the ground? Last I remember, I was in the chair."

"You kinda sorta fell and, honestly, looked more comfortable on the ground than you did in the chair, so I left you there," Conner told me.

Huh. Explains why my side kinda hurts...

"Why can't I just stay here? On the ground? Where dragon would like to stay?" I asked.

"Uh, because the hospital people don't like hobos on their floor. Come on, I'll drive you home. Mom has to stay again over night." I nodded and he held out a hand to help me up.

Taking it and letting him pull me up, I sighed and cracked my back, then my neck, which made Conner make a face.

"What?" I asked him.

"That did not sound too healthy," he said and walked out the door.

I shrugged and followed him outside to my car.

• • •

"Ugh, Aden. Come on. Seriously? Again? Don't make me carry you."

"I'M UP. I'M AWAKE. DON'T TOUCH THE DRAGON." I jerked up and slapped Conner's hand away.

"Okay okay. Sheesh. We're at your house," Conner said, holding his hands up in surrender and backing away.

"YAY. HOME!" I jumped out of the car, only for my face to meet the ground.

Conner laughed as I groaned.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I didn't fall, the ground looked like it needed a hug... From my face... So I gave it a hug... With my face... Please help me," I mumbled.

I could tell Conner was biting back a laugh as he bent down and hauled me up.

"Awe, poor baby dragon." He cooed and brushed away dirt and rocks from my face.

I batted his hand away, growled and glared at him, before grabbing my bookbag and snatching my keys from him.

"I'm leaving. Follow if you want. Just be prepared for the wrath of an angry bear, also known as my mother." I said and unlocked the front door.

"ADEN! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? THE SCHOOL CALLED ME! ARE YOU OKAY?" My mother yelled as she stomped into the living room.

"Sorry mom, my friend here needed my help last night and early this morning. It interfered with school and I couldn't just leave him-"

She interrupted, "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?"

"I tripped getting out of the car. Is it really that bad?" I asked, heading to the bathroom to check.

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