Chapter 15

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Rukia stayed with Renji as Ichigo left. Renji managed to exit the cave and not pass out. He couldn't believe how much blood he had lost. It was a miracle he had made it out of the cave let alone all the way to Urahara's. He took deep breaths allowing his spiritual pressure to recover. Then they felt Captain Hitsugaya's spiritual pressure.

"What?" Renji asked, startled. He pushed himself upright staring back towards the city. They could see the clouds darkening in the distance.

"Let's go!" Rukia called. Renji did his best to keep up but he still felt weak. Finally he just had to give up. He stopped on a roof gasping for breath.

"Renji!" Rukia was at his side in a second.

"I'll be fine," he managed to gasp. "Go!" Rukia looked at him for a few more seconds before nodding. Then she was gone. She traveled as fast as she could go but even so was not fast enough to prevent what she saw when she arrived. The hollow's tentacle pierced Ichigo's Saketsu and he hunched over his hands going to his chest. He was wrapped in tentacles and the creature began pulling him towards it but Rukia wasn't about to let it escape.

"Dance Sode No Shirayuki!" The release of her zanpaku-to caused the hollow to look up at her. Ichigo was struggling weakly against the tentacles, trying to break free, but Zangetsu had been knocked from his hands when he was grabbed. Rukia landed at the hollow's feet sweeping her blade in an arc. "Some no Mai, Tsukishiro!" She caught enough of the hollow in the circle of ice that its spiritual pressure fluctuated. The disturbance was enough that Rangiku was finally able to cut it with Haineko's ash. Together they pulled Ichigo away from the creature.

"I'm so sorry," Rangiku was saying over and over to him. Ichigo was gasping and panting for breath against the pain, but he was still conscious. When they stopped Rangiku used Haineko to destroy the pod in Ichigo's chest. His breathing remained ragged for a few more moments before he opened his eyes and pushed himself slowly to his feet.

"What are you doing? You should rest?" Rukia said.

"Don't worry; Zangetsu's helping with the bleeding." The sound of cracking ice reminded them that they weren't alone. The hollow had almost freed itself and Ichigo didn't doubt what it would do once it was free. Yoruichi materialized from a shun-po next to them Soi Fon a second behind her.

"Let it go," Yoruichi said.

"What!?" Ichigo demanded angrily. "We just caught it! Why would we let it go?"

"First of all you're in no condition to fight. Secondly we need to learn where its new lair is to see if we can find Captain Hitsugaya. Let it go and I will follow it to see where it goes." None of them were happy about it but no one argued with Yoruichi. She disappeared from sight once again and they all watched as the hollow finally freed itself and fled. Orihime and Chad came then running towards the battle from wherever in the city they had been searching.

"Ichigo!" Orihime ran over to them and began healing Ichigo's wound. He was glad to see that she was alright. Rangiku seemed to be trying to think of what to say. Rukia made sure that Ichigo was really going to be fine, before leaving. She hurried back along her route to find Renji. He was still on the rooftop she'd left him on. She landed and knelt next to his unmoving body.

"Renji, Renji!" She shook his shoulder and his eyes slowly blinked open.


"Are you all right?"

"Yeah just tired."

"Come on. Let's get you back to Urahara's." Renji nodded his agreement and did his best to get there quickly. By the time they arrived the others were beginning to gather and await Yoruichi's return. Rukia led Renji back to his bed in the reishi gathering barrier where he was asleep in seconds.

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