Chapter 10

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The next morning Ichigo wandered down for breakfast. Yuzu had already made it and was in the process of trying to convince their father to eat. Ichigo noted that his dad looked exhausted.

"How'd it go?" he asked, gesturing to the clinic. Isshin nodded.

"He lost a lot of blood and he's very weak but he never stopped breathing so I think he's finally stabilized. He just needs rest. We'll have to wait and see what condition he's in when he wakes."

"Well, that's good right?" Ichigo noticed that Isshin continued to stare lost in his own thoughts at his breakfast. Ichigo planned to take watch that evening, so that his dad could rest. He still had school though so he got ready and left. Thankfully nothing crazy happened while he was at school. Afterwards he stopped at Urahara Shoten to check in on Renji. Rukia was there, watching over him. He looked less pale and his breathing was easier. Thankfully his zanpaku-to was still whole next to him as well, a good sign that he had not lost his soul reaper abilities.

Ichigo bid her good night and then headed home. He arrived to find his dad starring off into space while the TV played some useless nonsense. When Ichigo turned it off his dad didn't move. Ichigo waved his hand in front of Isshin's face.

"What!? What'd I miss!?"

"Time for bed," Ichigo said pushing his dad towards his bed.

"But the patient..."

"I'll take care of it. You need rest. You've been up for way longer than you should have been. Get some sleep." Isshin nodded, handing the small remote to Ichigo. It was connected to the machine that would chart the boy's breathing and heart rate. If anything dropped to critical levels it would beep out an alert and Ichigo would know help was needed. He did his best to clean up a bit before Yuzu and Karin got home. Always he kept the little remote with him. He knew his dad would kill him if he missed an alert.

But the remote remained silent all evening. Karin decided to go and check on the boy and Ichigo figured he'd go with her just to make sure everything was well. He was hit with a blast of warm air as he opened the door. Karin entered as if she had expected it but it made Ichigo pause.

"Why is it so hot in here?" he asked.

Karin had made her way to the boy's side and lifted his hand. Ichigo couldn't see his head since it was obscured behind a curtain but his body lay perfectly still on the bed, a clear sign of unconsciousness.

"His skin feels like ice," Karin said. "That's probably why dad turned the heat up, he was likely trying to keep him warm." Ichigo stepped out before he started sweating and read the thermostat. Twenty-six and a half degrees Celsius. Well, he wouldn't die at that temperature, but it certainly wasn't comfortable to Ichigo. Karin came out a few moments later, but Ichigo had trouble reading her expression.

"I'm going to bed," she announced.

"Sure," Ichigo said. He helped Yuzu with the dishes before she too headed upstairs for bed. Ichigo sat on the couch and did homework to keep himself awake. He knew it was going to be a long night for him.

Hidden HollowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora