Chapter 6

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Rangiku stayed on the roof as Toshiro had wished. She was shocked when his spiritual pressure vanished. Had something happened? No it had disappeared too quickly. He must be masking it then. But why?

"Rangiku!" She whirled to see that Yumichika and Ikkaku were finally returning.

"Did you find anything?" she asked, anxiously. Both were shaking their heads before she could even finish the question.

"Where's Captain Hitsugaya?" Before Rangiku could answer Yoruichi appeared on the rooftop between them.

"Renji's been found. He's at the shop."

"Is he well?" Yumichika asked.

"I just brought Orihime there. She's healing him now."

"Will he be alright?" Ikkaku queried.

Yoruichi shook her head. "I can't say for certain. He's lost a lot of blood."

Worry clenched down on Rangiku's throat but she managed to say, "Let's go." Together all four of them traveled to Urahara Shoten. They were lead to the room in the back where Renji and Orihime were. The lieutenant was surrounded in a golden shield of light. Rangiku saw the familiar white blocks of a Reishi gathering barrier set in the points of a rectangle around him. Renji lay stripped to the waist with Urahara and Tessai watching attentively. Neither spoke but Rangiku could tell by Orihime's worried look that she was nervous. Then Rangiku noticed the fading wound in Renji's chest. Certainly it was a cause for worry but she couldn't see why it would cause Tessai and Urahara to be so concerned. Then she connected it with the wound in his stomach and she realized why they all looked so intently at Renji.

She was grateful that he appeared to be unconscious. Now she too watched anxiously to see whether or not Renji would lose his soul reaper powers.

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