I Know

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I was looking out the window of the plane, watching the clouds drift by. I didn't want to go back to Louisiana because I knew that as soon as I did, everything would be back to the way it was.

It hurt knowing that we were friends again but I didn't even get to live in the same state as him. He talked me into making things right with my parents so I'm doing that tomorrow. But I still don't think that will change anything. I honestly just think I need to get out of Louisiana.

We got off the plane and got in a cab to take us home.

"Why are you smiling?" Aimee elbowed me, grinning.

"Oh nothing," I went back to looking at my phone.

She snatched it from my hand and read the message.

"Oooh Hunter. Aw he misses you," I think my face was a dark red at this point.

"You like him. I can see it in your eyes," she looked at me suspiciously.

"I do not. We were a thing like two years ago. We're just friends now."

"You shut him out didn't you?" She asked me.


"You shut him out. Like you do with everybody. Piper," she tried to get it out of me.

"He broke up with me," I turned away from her so she couldn't see the tear in the corner of my eye.

"You shouldn't be here Piper."

"Yeah I know."

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