Chapter 48 - Violence Repeated

Start from the beginning

All the while Lauren's heart was lodged firmly in her throat as she watched all the horrific scenes fly by her. It was as if the entire city had lost its mind, there was fighting everywhere and by the looks of it Crystal wasn't the only one who figured that being in a car was a safe idea. Or at least that's what she thought at first until she saw one of the cars plow right into someone on the street before it crashed into the wall of a nearby building.

"How can people do these kinds of things?" Lauren asked aloud looking away from the violence outside which earned her a look from Crystal through the rearview mirror. "And it's happening so fast...why?!"

"You'd be amazed at what things someone can do when their scared." Answered Crystal after several moments of silence. "When animals are scared they'll revert to one of the two survival actions. Fight, or flight. People aren't any different, they're all scared because the presidents just been attacked after all these demon attacks. Demons are everywhere so they really can't run anywhere-"

"So they're choosing to fight..." Lauren finished as they were coming up on Canal Park. As they were pulling up however she saw that there was a fairly large group of people nearing the park, each of them carrying one of those anti-demon rifles that they'd used at Roy's house. The sight of them made Lauren's heart jump right up into her mouth as she shrieked for them to stop.

Crystal slammed her foot on the breaks right near the walkway where she'd put Roy before she turned around looking like she was about to hit her. Before she could though Lauren got out of the car and hurried under the walkway, it didn't look like anyone had been under here and when Lauren checked behind the support she found the a still unconscious Roy. Lauren felt her mouth move into a smile before she turned and waved her arm to signal to Crystal and her girlfriend, both of whom got out of the car while she was beginning to drag Roy out from behind the support column.

Crystal stopped for a moment as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing but only for a moment before she got down and helped Lauren get him up. Even with the other girl's help though Roy was still heavy, something which Crystal felt the need to comment on as they half carried half dragged him over to the car. Crystal's girlfriend opened the door for them and by the time the two of them managed to get Roy's body in the back seat they heard the sound of a dog barking. Lauren's head snapped straight up and when she looked to the side she saw a large German Shepard rushing over to the car with a big Doberman hot on its heels.

"Get in the fucking car!" Crystal screamed all but shoving both Lauren and her girlfriend in before she shot the doors on them. She however tried making it around the car but she wasn't fast enough and the dogs had cut her off just then.

"Chris run!" Screamed her girlfriend but Lauren knew as did Crystal that there was no way she was going to be able to outrun either one of those dogs.

The big German Shepard was nearest to her but both dogs had their lips drawn back in snarls as the officers came running over. Crystal was backed up against the hood of the car and Lauren saw that she had something black in her hand. Oh no were her last thoughts before Crystal's arm came up and she sprayed the bigger of the two dogs in the Shepard but she was far to slow to get the Doberman. There was a loud squeal before the Doberman jumped up, knocking Crystal to the ground and clamping down on the arm that held the pepper spray.

Lauren looked around the car for something heavy to use as a weapon but what she found was even better, for she saw a Taser tucked between the seats. She hurried around the car and found that Crystal was hitting the dog with her free hand but that only made the dog start twisting its head like an animal that was trying to rip and tear chunks out of its prey. She was already bleeding and it was the sight of the other girl's blood that made Lauren forget about her love of dogs as she lifted the Taser and fired. The dog let out a yelp and fell to the side in an instant letting Crystal get up to her feet, albeit with a shredded arm.

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