He smiled, "there's an art and crafts shop near Mikasa's. After we see her would you like to go?" I grinned and nodded my head. "Then that's what we'll do."

He keeps getting so much stuff for me. Does he really like me? The thought brought a smile to my face. I like him. Now I was blushing too. I curled up in the seat to hide my smile and rosy cheeks.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I know Levi's face was above me and he kissed my cheek. "Come on, time to wake up now we're here." Already? I don't want to meet people but Levi said it was okay. He said his sister was like me. I want to meet her... But what if she doesn't like me? What if the others who live here done like me either? "Eren, it's going to be fine. Despite any first impressions most of them are good people."

He took my hand and we left the car walking up to a nice house that I could clearly see a pool through the privacy fence. Levi knocked on the door and my heart jumped into my throat. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. They won't like me. Then they will tell Levi why they don't and then he won't li-
My thoughts where cut off my a short blond guy opening the door. "Oh hi Levi. Come on in Mikasa is trying to keep Sasha and Connie away from the food. Jean's out today," Just like that I was inside and unknown house. "Oh! You must be Eren! I'm Armin, nice to meet you." He shook my hand without me even holding it out to him, grinning the whole time.

I was caught up with my conversation with Armin that I didn't even notice Levi had disappeared from my side. That is till Armin somewhat skipped out of the doorway and down the hall. I looked around panic stricken for a moment before Levi's head popped out of one of the hall's many door ways, "Come on Eren. Meet my sister Mikasa." I quickly rushed to his side as to not be alone.

When I turned the courner I froze just behind Levi. There standing in the middle of the kitchen, glaring at a brunette girl and a buzz cut boy, was a Neko. How did I know? She stood tall and proud with her tail swishing in the air behind her, and her ears twitching in anger. Besides the obvious difference of one being a Neko, I could see that they shared Levi's glare.

While Mikasa stood tall with her ears and tail, mine where still hidden and I was now cowering behind Levi. "Mikasa, please! I just want a little food! I promise I won't eat it all!" The brunette was begging quite literally.

"Not a chance." This coming from a girl who had just walked through a door way from what I assume to be the living room. The had blond hair pulled up, and carried herself like royalty. Also a bit like she could tear someone limb from limb. I insenctively hid behind Levi a bit more.

"But Annie! It's food!" The looked she gave the brunette must have been enough to crush her hopes of getting the food because she got up and mopped past Annie into the living room.

"Come on Connie, Annie and Mikasa are meanies and don't feed the hungry." The buzz cut boy, Connie, snickered and followed the brunette.

At this point the girl's attention was diverted to us. "Levi" Annie said glancing at me and walking out of the kitchen past me.

"Mikasa this is Eren," Levi gestured to me, glancing at my hood that was still up. He kissed my cheek, "you don't have to be so tense, take off the hood and stop hiding behind me. It will be fine, promise." He whispered quietly to me. I have to take off my hood? But what if the people don't like me? And they find out that I'm a Neko? What then? But Levi promised. I have to.

With shaking hands I quickly pulled my hood off my head and let my tail relax. It felts good to relax at someone else's house. "Hi... Eren, nice to meet you." I held out my hand trying to stop my shaking. I was so nervous. I don't know how to act.

She shook my hand "Mikasa," she looked back at Levi. "So you and him a thing? Finally got yourself someone nice did you?" Mikasa smiled at me.

"Funny thing sis, looked to me like you did too," he said smirking. Mikasa found someone? How could Levi tell? The only other one in here besides the two wanting food was Annie, Oh.
Mikasa seemed to flush a bit."So what if I did?"

Levi's smile only seemed to grow, it was infectious and I found myself smiling too.

Armin then bounced in, giving me a tour of the place. It was like the TARDIS from Doctor Who, so much bigger on the inside. Levi and I had also watched some shows over the time at his house.

After that Levi found us and took my hand saying that it was time to eat. Levi says I'm eating better but not quite as good as I should. He says I should eat more then him, because Nekos need the extra calories. I'd have to see is Mikasa was eating more too. I smiled looking down at the floor as we entered the kitchen. Armin was already inside, sitting beside Connie. Sasha was right beside Annie who was keeping her from the food.

Mikasa walked over and sat down by Annie, leaving two spots between Armin and Mikasa for Levi and I.

"Now can I pleaseee eat the foooood!?" Sasha was begging Annie
"Really!? Yes! Food come to mama!" And just like that everyone was getting food. Reaching out for things closest and passing their plate for food across the table.

It was a bit over whelming to try to get food in the chaos of it all till took my plate and got me some too. And Levi must have been telling the truth because the only one to top Mikasa at eating was Sasha but in a way I wasn't surprised.

The food was great and there where so many people and none of them hated me for what I am. At one point a plate fell off between Mikasa and I and we both caught it with our tails. Hers was fuzzier than mine and was midnight black. Mine was more brown and alot less fuzzy. But nonetheless both of our tails where helpful in saving a plate of roast before it hit the floor.

When we left it was getting late and Armin had passed out on a couch, which I guess was better than Sasha who was laying very close to the top of the steps.

Levi took me to the art shop and I couldn't help but grin. He got me so many things. Even the ones that I was to afraid to ask for.
Levi's too kind to me. He gets me so much stuff. And he is so nice to me.

When we where checking out I got a glance at the price. "Levi you don't have to get all this stuff for me. This is too much to spend on me" nearly $150. Practically any money spent on me is too much.

But Levi smiled at me as he swipped the card and paid the money. I frowned at the ground taking as many bags as I could, nearly all of them. "Eren give me at least half."

"But you paid so much,... so I have to carry them." Despite my complaints he helped me get them into the car. And kissed my head when he got into start it.

I stayed awake the whole ride back and talked to Levi.

"Tomorrow I have work, but don't think you have to stay at home. I'd always welcome your company at the café. Hey you could even test out the new artsy fartsy stuff."

I grinned and laughed as Levi waved his hand in the air somewhat dismissively of his own joke. The radio was playing quietly in the car and I heard BreezeBrocks by Alt-J flutter around the car. I started humming quietly and dancing in my seat to the song. That is till I saw Levi smiling at me out of the courner of my eye. "By all means don't stop on my account. Enjoy yourself Eren."

And just like that we played song after song till we got home. Me dancing and singing the whole way home. And I don't think I've smiled and laughed so much in a long time, not sense mother left. Mom, look at me now. I'm finially happy. I think I found a place in the world that I want to stay in.

Is my apology accepted? My sorry for short chapters and not updating?

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