58. Broken Connection

Start from the beginning

I'm alone again. All I can feel is pain.

(Back to reality)

I sprint away not paying attention to my surroundings. In a few more days, I'll see Shiro again. The idea terrifies me, but I need my bracelet back. I can't handle bringing the past to the present. I don't want everything I love and care for to disappear due to Shiro's hatred towards me.


I accidentally bump into someone and fall to the ground. "Ow. I'm sorry," I mutter and look up to see that the person I bumped into is Natsuki.

"Ow. Sakura, what are you doing running around for? Nishinoya is looking for you right now," Natsuki says as she rubs her head. "He isn't doing so well in volleyball lately since you've been gone, so I told him to take a break expecting him to find you, but it looks like I found you instead."

My thoughts go back to Yuu hearing Natsuki mentioning him, but I quickly shake those thoughts out of my mind. "Natsuki. I'm sorry, but I might quit the photography club or volleyball club," I suddenly tell her. Natsuki's eyes widen, but then she sighs.

"You know, I'm not the one you should be talking to. I was gone for awhile myself for a few months, but you shouldn't consider quitting," Natsuki tells me. "There's nothing wrong with taking a break, but I think quitting will make you regret more," she states and thoroughly examines me. "You don't look good either, have you been eating or sleeping properly?" she asks me.

"I've been eating and sleeping. It's fine, I'm...I'm ok!" I awkwardly laugh to hide the lies and Natsuki doesn't say a word.

She walks towards me and pats my shoulder. " If you're okay, then that's fine, but if you're not, then tell someone, because you're not only hurting yourself but the others around you," she says with a small smile. "Hiding how you feel doesn't help you, I would know," She says then takes her leave.

I bite my lip. Ever since middle school, I have been carrying everything on my own, whether it came to my thoughts or feelings. I have always been alone, but the photography club and volleyball club brought me back up when I needed the most. Yet the single appearance of Shiro again just brought everything back down. She now has my bracelet and in a few days, I will see her again. Can I handle that?

Nishinoya POV

(In the gym - later on)

After watching Sakura run away from me, I walk back to the gym to find Natsuki there hanging around with Kageyama. She notices me and tells Kageyama something. I watch him quickly leave and Natsuki gestures me to come over.

"Nishinoya, you're back. I told you to take a break today," Natsuki says as I come back into the gym without even realizing it. "I saw Sakura earlier, she wasn't in a great mood. Do you know what happened? " she asks me and my mouth quivers almost wanting to cry.

"I'm not sure, she's avoiding me," I answer.

"Do you know when she started acting like this?" Natsuki questions.

"Probably when she met with Mihane, I don't know what happened though," I tell and she frowns for a few seconds then awkwardly pats me on the back.

"I'm not good at comforting people, nor do I know you really well like Sakura or Tomoyo, but I know that you're the loud one and the one that always brings the team together," she says with a smile. "I'm sure you can bring your girlfriend back," she shrugs. "If I were you, I would find the root of the problem and fix it. That way you can, um, get your girl, right?" Natsuki strangely advises me and a small grin appears on my face.

"My girl huh?" I repeat her words and pump my fist. "Of course she's my girl, I'll have her come back!" I shout and turn to Natsuki. "Thanks for the good advice Natsuki!" I tell her and a sweatdrop falls behind the back of her head.

"I didn't really do much, I just said what I thought," Natsuki says. "But do you have a way of contacting the girl named Mihane? You said that Sakura became like that on the day they were hanging out. Maybe she knows something," she tells me and I pause to think about something.

"But I don't have her contact number," I blurt out and Natsuki facepalms herself.

"If you need information, go to Tomoyo, she's the one to ask," Natsuki gestures to Tomoyo, "She can do anything."

"Thanks again, Natsuki," I tell her and she shakes her head.

"No problem, but Nishinoya, you should move aside, Kageyama is coming back and he isn't exactly happy," Natsuki gestures and I jolt back in surprise seeing Kageyama's frustrated look on his face.

"Sure!" I take my leave and head to Tomoyo, who's just watching the boys play and practice.

"Tomoyo!" I shout catching her attention.

"What's up Noya?" she says with a silly grin.

"Can you do me a favor? I want you to give me the phone number of Mihane Iwasaki," I tell her. "I don't care what you want, whether it's money or information, but I'm willing to accept it."

Tomoyo analyzes me and shrugs. "Normally I would ask for that, but I'll make this free. I miss seeing Sakura around and teasing her about you, so call it a free service," she winks.

"Thanks, Tomoyo!" I bow down multiple times and she laughs.

"You're funny Noya~ Getting her phone number is probably one of the easiest things I can do. I'll text you her phone number today, so just make sure Sakura comes back," she waves and I nod my head.

"Definitely!" I say with determination. I'll have Sakura smiling again, I will make sure of that! I'm her boyfriend and I'm not going to leave her when she needs it the most.

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