40. Tokyo Skytree

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"When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew"
Nishinoya POV

"Noya...Where are we?" Sakura asks me and I flinch hearing the question I didn't want to hear as we stand outside in the middle of nowhere.

"I-I'm not sure," I answer, and crumple the crappy map that Tomoyo made. The tickets are real, but the map leads to nowhere. What was Tomoyo thinking!? I take back all the gratitude I had for her. I notice Sakura's worried expression seeing that I crumbled up the map. "Um, we're somewhere, that's for sure," I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck, "but don't worry, we'll find the Tokyo Skytree!" I pump my fists and Sakura nods her head.

"Right!" She cutely pumps her fists along with me and the two of us try to find the Tokyo Skytree.

(1 hour later)

"Noya..........Where are we?" Sakura asks again and I awkwardly laugh as I survey the area around here.

Right now, I see people, so we're close to civilization. I look at my phone hoping that Tomoyo replied to my text message of us being lost, but she didn't. Damn it! Tomoyo is leading me to my own doom! I click my tongue. "You would think finding the Tokyo Skytower would be easy, but for us country folks we don't know the difference," I mumble to myself and feel a sudden pull by my arm.

"Let's go!" Sakura holds onto my arm and I jump back in surprise. This wasn't supposed to happen at all!

"W-wait, what are you doing?" I ask, and I can just feel my face flushing different shades of red.

"You're not acting like yourself Noya," Sakura points out. "We don't have to go to the Tokyo Skytree yet, so let's just enjoy ourselves and take a detour," she orders as she puffs her cheeks.

I squat to the floor and cover my face to cool down my cheeks. "Sakura...You're too cute sometimes," I mumble quietly. I slap my cheeks. "Sakura, you're right. We're inTokyo, so we need to enjoy ourselves!" I shout and hold her hand as we go around the city.

Sakura POV
(T-Shirt Shop)

I awkwardly stand in the shop as I watch Noya jump from shirt to shirt with a childish aura around him. I giggle seeing Noya so happy after seeing him depressed over not being able to find the Tokyo Skytower. At least we found this shop. I take a glance at the shirts in this store. These shirts are similar to the ones he wears, like "one man army" and "three point headstand." It's very unique.

"Sakura! I can't choose between these two shirts!" he lifts them up and I sweatdrop seeing the two t-shirts he wanted to get.

"'I'm huge in Japan...And..... 'Listen to your senpai'...." I read out the two shirts and watch Noya nod his head happily after hearing the shirts' phases.

"Which one should I get Sakura?" he asks me with a puppy face that made it hard to look away.

"Uh...I think both of them suit you," I tell him and try to imagine him wearing either shirt. I suddenly burst out laughing just thinking about him wearing those shirts. It's so him.

Noya tilts his head in confusion. "What's wrong, Sakura?" he asks me and I turn to him as I try to keep my composure.

"No, it's nothing, Noya. They both suit you I guarantee it!" I tell him and his face lights up.

"I knew they both did!" Nishinoya agrees and brings it to the checkout. "Can I buy these two shirts?" Noya asks the cashier and she nods her head.

"Of course," she answers and notices me behind Noya. "Are you his girlfriend?" She questions me and our faces turn bright red.

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