Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV
Why is the score so close? I served the ball and missed. Out of all the times to miss the serve and it had to be now.

22-20. The serve comes over and Loke passes it. Natsu spikes it over the net. We score.

21-22 Natsu serves two aces. Now all we need is 2 points and we win. The serve sails across the net. . The ball goes to Wendy. She passes it over the net. Loke and Natsu both try to block it. They collide and fall. The ball hits the floor.

23 all. Ah dang. Wendy serves. She wins an ace. They need one more point. She served it and it hits the top tape and rolls over to our side. It hits the floor.

"WE WIN." Yells the other team. I wanted to win *cries in head* Wendy is thrown up into the air by Erza and Gray.

"We will win next time." Loke reassures me. He then wrapped his arms around my waist. Loke then places a kiss on top of my head. I melt into the hug.

"Haha I beat you, flame brain. I'm better that you," Grey says. I swear drop. Nastu buts heads with Grey.

"What was that, Popsicle?" Natsu says back. Loki backs away with me still in his arms.

Erza smashes the fighting duo's heads together. That must hurt. They both lay on the ground. I felt sorry for them. Loke picks me up and places me on his shoulder. He then runs to the shore and throws me in the water. That's so mean, but the water feels refreshing. I flick my hand towards Loke a giant wave swallows him. Loke be carful Karma comes back to bite you in the butt. I look down and laugh softly. I glance where Loke was standing and he wasn't there. I started to freak out. Arms warp around me. I look to the owner of the arms and see its Loke.

"That was very funny," he says sarcastically.

"I know." I'm now facing Loke. I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me closer to him. I bring his lip closer to mine.

"Brake it up love birds!" Grey yells some where behind me. I begin to blush and unwrap my arms, but Loke keeps his. He quickly kisses me.

"Can you carry me back?" I look up to Loke with puppy dog eyes. He looks down to me and laughs quietly. He shakes his head slightly.

"What if I say no?" I begin to pout. He then picks me up for a piggyback ride. He than begins to walk towards the sand. Loke then drops me on the sand. I felt something when I landed. There was a small conk shell. It's so cu, I just have to pick it up.

"Loke look at this. It's really cute." I shove the shell in his face.

"It's not as cute as you." He says smiling down at me. He wraps his arms around me and begins to lean down.

"Hey love birds, we should head out for dinner." Natsu yells and we pull away. I laugh and walk towards the rest of the group.
We just finished dinner. It was so good.

"Let's play a game?" Grey asks. The others bid in approval.

"What game?" I said. Grey thinks for a moment.
Sorry it's sort but it's some thing
Does any one have notes over little women the book or oh pioneers
It would help me lots
Thanks anyway

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