Chapter 11

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Lucy's POV
Me and Loke walked to the water fall. Loke picked me up bridal style and carried me through the water. I could hear the waterfall from here.

"Since I won what do I get?" I said.

"A kiss." Loke said. wow thanks I fought Erza and Gajeel for a kiss. He put me down in the water.

"That's it?" I said disappointed.

"You will get to find out in a little bit." But I don't want to wait.

Then he leaned down. We were inches away from each other. I leaned towards him. Our lips touched. I wrapped my arm around his waist. Loke put his arm around my shoulders.

"Hey, Happy how do you think Lucy is doing?" Natsu said.

I pull Loke down under the water. I created a air bobble around us.

"Why did you do this?" Loke said.

"Sorry I heard Natsu and I panicked." I started to laugh because of embarrassment.

"It's okay. Do you want to resume where we left off?" Loke says. I could feel a slight blush on my face.

Our lips touch each other. His arms went around my wait and my arms went around his shoulders.

He then started to kiss me right by my ears. I kissed his neck. Then we stopped kissing.

"Do you want to go back up to the surface?" Loke says.

"Okay." We swim back up to the surface.

We got to the surface.

"Okay brats the competition is over." Masters voice was loud enough to hear all over the island.


We all got off the boat. Gageel just started to lay on the ground. Natsu walked off the boat. He didn't even have the slightest sense of motion sickness on the way back. Erza was hesitant around me maybe because I beat her.

We got back to the guild. Everyone was excited to see who won. What I didn't know was that the entire guild bet in who would win. These are the prevents people voted for:
Juvia 15%
Gajeel 16%
Levy 13%
Elfman 14%
Freed 10%
Lisanna 14%
Wendy 10%
Me 8%

When the guild heard that I won some people were surprised and others were happy.

We celebrated at the guild. Erza got drunk with her 2nd beer. Cana and Gildarts were drinking together. Wendy and Romeo sat with the exceeds in a corner away from the bar. I drank with Loke, Natsu, and Grey. It felt like all the years I was away never happened.

I lost count of how many drinks I had. I remembering having at least 5.

I woke up and everyone in the guild was on the floor or passed out on the tables. I was at a booth. Loke was sleeping right by me. He had his arm around my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep again.

When I woke up this time I had a huge head ache. Loke was trying to wake me up. I don't want to get up.

"5 more minutes." I said to Loke. He started to poke me repeatedly. I'm still half asleep, I try to swat his hand away.

"No get up." Loke was still poking me.


"There is a surprise for you." Ohhhh I wonder what it is.
I don't own fairy tail Hiro Mashima dose
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